With the growing movement to legalize marijuana in the United States, the drug is in the news more than ever before. But how much do you really know about it? Here we offer the 411 on 420.

  • THC

    Marijuana is made from the leaves and flowers of plants in the Cannabis genus. While some 480 chemicals are found in the drug, the one that gets all the attention is THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the active ingredient. It is THC that causes a mild euphoria in users. However, acute intoxication may occasionally induce visual hallucinations, anxiety, depression, extreme variability of mood, paranoid reactions, and psychoses lasting four to six hours.

  • A Weed by Any Other Name…

    According to some reports, there are more than 200 slang names for marijuana. We can’t list them all, but among the most commonly used are pot, weed, reefer, grass, chronic, herb, Mary Jane, dope, bud, and ganja. And the more-colorful names include wacky tobacky, hippie lettuce, giggle weed, joy smoke, baby bhang, and loco weed.

  • Bongs, Brownies, and Blunts

    Just as there are hundreds of names for pot, there are myriad ways of using the drug. Marijuana can be smoked in cigars (blunts) and cigarettes (joints or doobies). Marijuana smoke can also be inhaled through water pipes (bongs) and basically anything that can be fashioned like a pipe—including aluminum cans and even apples. Pot can also be baked into foods, most typically brownies. And a more-recent method of using the drug is via e-cigarettes (vaping).

  • The 411 on 420

    Marijuana has long been associated with the number 420 (said “four twenty”). In fact, pot’s unofficial holiday is April 20 (4/20). Why, however, isn’t clear. Many people think it’s because 420 is the police code in New York or Los Angeles for pot possession. Alas, that’s just an urban legend. Instead, the most commonly accepted explanation is that in 1971 a group of high schoolers in San Rafael, California, would regularly meet at 4:20 to search for an abandoned marijuana crop. The group became known as the 420, and the code was popularized by many of the group’s friends who became fans of the Grateful Dead.

  • Pot and POTUS

    Perhaps surprisingly, there’s a long history between marijuana and the U.S. president. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson farmed hemp, which is a plant of the Cannabis genus that has a lower level of THC. Another hemp farmer was James Madison. As to the commanders in chief who have actually used pot, George W. Bush admitted to having enjoyed the wacky weed, while Bill Clinton famously said he smoked but didn’t inhale. Barack Obama wrote about using marijuana in his autobiographies.

  • Racism and the Criminalization of Weed

    The movement to criminalize marijuana in the U.S. was strongly rooted in racism. At the turn of the 20th century, marijuana was a little-used drug. However, as it became increasingly associated with minorities—especially African Americans and Hispanics—many states in the 1910s began passing laws to ban pot. Two decades later Harry J. Anslinger, head of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, utilized racism and the fear of crime in his high-profile campaign to institute a federal ban on the drug. While we won’t mention his more racist comments (Google them. Seriously.), his exaggerated claims about marijuana included that it “is the most violence-causing drug in the history of mankind” and “you smoke a joint and you’re likely to kill your brother.” Aided by an eager news media, Anslinger eventually oversaw the passage of the Marihuana Tax Act in 1937, which effectively made the drug illegal across the U.S. Although that act was declared unconstitutional in 1969, it was replaced by the Controlled Substances Act the following year.

  • Smokin’ Tunes

    Pot has had a lengthy history with music. In fact, Anslinger used to call jazz “Satan’s music,” because jazz performers had a reputation for using marijuana. If the drug wasn’t being enjoyed by musicians, it was often being sung about. Among the more-notable marijuana melodies are Rick James’s “Mary Jane” (1978), Peter Tosh’s “Legalize It” (1976), and Bob Dylan’s “Rainy Day Women #12 and 35” (1966), which features the refrain “Everybody must get stoned”; Dylan, however, denied that the song was about pot. In 2001 Dr. Dre, featuring Snoop Dogg (another musician well known for his fondness for pot), had a hit with “The Next Episode,” which implores listeners to “smoke weed every day!” Perhaps one of pot’s most-famous supporters was country singer Willie Nelson. In 2012 he released “Roll Me Up and Smoke Me When I Die.” The song also featured Snoop Dogg.

  • Marijuana and the Movies

    Pot has also figured prominently in a number of films, including Up in Smoke (1978), Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982), The Big Lebowski (1998), Half Baked (1998), and Pineapple Express (2008). While these films typically portray the drug for humorous effect, some movies sought to teach the dangers of marijuana. Perhaps the best known of these is Reefer Madness, a 1936 drama that showed teenagers becoming addicted to marijuana, with madness and manslaughter the end result. Originally intended as a cautionary tale, it was later bought and repackaged as an exploitation film. Now, it is considered a cult classic.