- Introduction
- Great Britain, Australia, and New Zealand
- The United States and Canada
- Western Europe
- Eastern Europe
- Japan
- The developing world
- References
- Introduction
- Great Britain, Australia, and New Zealand
- The United States and Canada
- Western Europe
- Eastern Europe
- Japan
- The developing world
- References
Breakup of the postwar settlement: Inflation, neocorporatism, and restructuring
An inherent problem of the post-World War II settlement was that, with governments guaranteeing full employment and free collective bargaining, inflation could be contained only if unions resisted using their artificially increased bargaining power to win wage gains in excess of productivity increases. This required, at the minimum, effective control of national unions over the shop floor. While European industrial unions were much more successful in this than their British counterparts, by the end of the 1960s even their hold on their members began to slip. In part this was caused by a general rise in inflation imported from the United States. When unions continued to exercise wage restraint in increasingly overheated national economies, a new generation of workers that had not lived through the Great Depression and had never experienced unemployment turned against their leaders. All over Europe, massive waves of unofficial strikes occurred in 1968 and 1969, organized from the shop floor in defiance of national union policy and throwing moderate “income policies” into disarray. More subtle factors also contributed to this outbreak. By concentrating on macroeconomic matters during a period of aggressive rationalization and fast productivity growth, industrial unions had left workers with little protection at the workplace. Growing discontent with an ever more perfect Taylorist organization of work, workers found no official representation in an industrial-relations system that had accepted managerial prerogative in the workplace in exchange for the recognition and political status of unions, full employment, growing wages, and a comprehensive welfare state. Remarkably, such discontent emerged strongly even in countries, such as Italy and France, where unions were weak and the shop floor was ruled by employer paternalism, and Germany and Sweden, where union distance from the “qualitative” issues of the workplace was part of a general union strategy of economywide solidarity and egalitarianism.
During the 1960s it had come to be widely believed in Europe that worker militancy was a matter of the past and that strikes in particular were withering away. This made the shock of 1968 and ’69 all the more profound, and in the immediate aftermath employers and national governments accepted high wage increases and inflation rates in order to avoid further confrontations with workers. This lasted well into 1973 and 1974, the years of the first oil crisis, when governments continued to assign high priority to full employment without touching unions’ right to free collective bargaining. Instead, economic stabilization was sought by bringing unions still further into the centre of policy making, increasing rather than curtailing their power and responsibility and helping them strengthen their organizations so that national union leaders could manage shop-floor discontent more effectively. This brought about a new political configuration that came to be known as “neocorporatism.”
Essentially a tripartite social contract involving government, business, and labour, neocorporatism sought to restore full employment through moderate wage demands (often entailing losses in real wages and distributive position), in return for which unions were granted influence over policies relating to subjects such as unemployment insurance, employment protection, early retirement, working hours, old-age pensions, health insurance, housing, taxation, public-sector employment, vocational training, regional aid, and subsidies to declining industries. In addition, governments and employers agreed to a variety of means to help industrial unions strengthen their workplace organizations so they could better absorb worker discontent. One important means was legislation on industrial democracy. “Codetermination,” as it was called in Germany and Sweden, provided workers with quasi-constitutionalized shop-floor representation on nonwage matters, such as work organization, that industrial unions had been unable or unwilling to address before 1968. Thus, in order to prevent a return of the representation gap of the 1960s and channel the energies of workplace unionists into economically innocuous activities, governments in a number of countries allowed industrial democracy to make significant inroads into managerial discretion. For this and other reasons, neocorporatism increasingly alienated European employers, but unions, backed by and working through the new or expanded institutions of industrial democracy, often succeeded in increasing their membership density during the 1970s.

The second oil shock in 1979 heralded fundamental changes in European economic policy and industrial relations. Faced with persistently high unemployment, an increasingly integrated world capital market and a rapid loss of competitive position to Japan, European governments gradually abandoned their attempts at bargained national accommodation with organized labour and gave preference to supply-side policies of competitive restructuring. An important factor in this restructuring was the advance of microelectronic technology. Unlike the dedicated technology of the Fordist period, microelectronics allowed for a variety of alternative, “flexible” ways of organizing production in response to different product strategies, local organizational structures and cultures, and available work skills. For unions to play a role in the reorganization of productive relations that was made possible (and necessary) by the new technologies, they had to decentralize their organizational and political capacities and create a strong union presence in the workplace.
Other factors also militated toward the decentralization of unions and industrial relations. As the work force became increasingly heterogenous, its interests were less easily subsumed under the blue-collar egalitarianism that had dominated union policies since the interwar and immediate postwar years. In particular, during the 1960s and ’70s pay differentials had been reduced to the point where many skilled and white-collar workers were no longer willing to be represented by comprehensive, “solidaristic” collective bargaining. Class-based solidarity was further attenuated by growing employment in the public sector—often under privileged conditions that in the leaner 1980s were perceived by private-sector workers as coming at their expense. As a result, national unions found it more difficult to unite their members behind common demands. Where centralized wage bargaining did not actually break up—as it did in Sweden—union leaders came under pressure to give groups inside their organizations greater freedom to express and pursue their special interests.
During the 1980s most western European unions came to realize that the survival of the high-wage and high-welfare economies that they had been so instrumental in creating depended less on political bargains with the government and national employers’ associations than on participating in this restructuring toward a flexible, highly skilled, innovative economy capable of producing customized and quality-competitive goods and services. This seemed to require cooperative workplace relations, flexible internal labour markets, extensive training and retraining of workers, and a fundamental reorganization of work. This last involved a blurring of the distinction between conception and execution or between indirect and direct, nonmanual and manual, and managerial and nonmanagerial work; decentralization of decision making; flatter hierarchies; and broader and overlapping job descriptions and skill profiles.
Never having depended for their strength on job control, European unions found it easier to adapt to the “post-Fordist” forms of industrial organization than did their British or American counterparts. Still, adaptation required that unions decentralize their organizations and insert themselves into the workplace in a way that jeopardized neither productive cooperation nor their own independence. For this, industrial unions that could avail themselves of established systems of industrial democracy and codetermination seem to have been particularly well placed. Indeed, German and Scandinavian unions in particular may actually have contributed to the quality-competitive restructuring of their economies by, on the one hand, foreclosing employers’ options of hiring low-wage and low-skill labour and, on the other hand, exerting pressures and creating opportunities at the workplace for the de-Taylorization of work organization and the general upgrading of production. Especially important in this context were the unions’ roles in labour-market policy and vocational training.
By adjusting to the requirements of productive flexibility at the workplace, then, most Scandinavian unions increased their membership density, while Belgian, German, and in part Italian unions maintained their strength. In France, Spain, and to an extent the Netherlands and Austria, on the other hand, unions were left behind by rapid industrial modernization and went into precipitous decline.