Britannica Money

Selling call and put options: A guide to the risks and rewards

Your rights vs. your obligations.
Written by
John Manley, DMS
John has been a professional derivatives trader and portfolio manager since 2005, and one of a few investment professionals to earn the Derivatives Market Specialist designation from the Canadian Securities Institute.

He created and managed two derivatives-based private funds in Canada and the United States, and provided hedging advisory services to high net worth clients. He is a frequent speaker, commentator, financial market educator, and writer for globally-read investment publications.
Fact-checked by
Doug Ashburn
Doug is a Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst who spent more than 20 years as a derivatives market maker and asset manager before “reincarnating” as a financial media professional a decade ago.
Risk graph for a short call option.
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Understand the risks before selling options.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

When most people first learn about options, it’s in the context of buying call and put options to speculate on the direction of (or hedge a position in) an underlying stock, exchange-traded fund (ETF), or other security (called “the underlying” in trader jargon). The option contract gives you the right, but not the obligation, to take a long or short position in the underlying security. You paid a premium for that right.

But did you know you can flip this idea on its head, and instead of paying a premium to buy an option, you can collect the premium by selling options? That’s right: you can have the premium deposited directly to your brokerage account the same day.

Key Points

  • When selling an option contract, you take in premium up front, but your risks can be substantial.
  • Because a stock or other security could theoretically rise to infinity, many brokers prohibit selling uncovered or “naked” calls.
  • Option selling can be part of an income generation or stock accumulation strategy.

But there’s a catch. When you buy an option, you pay for the right to decide when to exercise it, but you have no obligation to do so. When you sell an option, you give away the right to decide, and you accept an obligation. That’s the trade-off.

  • Selling put options. You collect the premium, but you may have the obligation to buy the underlying at the strike price if it trades below that price at or before expiration. Selling puts can be part of a strategy to accumulate shares.
  • Selling call options. Once again you collect the premium, but you may be obligated to sell the underlying at the strike price if it trades above the strike price at or before expiration. If you own shares of a stock or ETF, selling call options could be part of a viable income-generating strategy known as a covered call.

The risks in selling uncovered calls and puts

Selling uncovered calls. The term “uncovered” simply means you’re selling a call option contract that’s not covered by a position in the underlying security. It’s also known as a “naked” short call option. This strategy is considered very high risk, as you’re theoretically exposed to unlimited losses. That’s because there’s really no limit to how high a stock can rise.

Suppose a company makes a big announcement—a takeover, a new product that’s going to change the world, or a major government contract—after market hours. If you held a naked short call position, your losses could be substantial. The holder of the call option would exercise the option, meaning you would be “assigned” a short position at a price much lower than where the stock is trading (see the risk graph for a short call option).

Risk graph for a short call option.
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Risk graph for a short call option.
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Breaking down the short call strategy:

  • This is a neutral to bearish position. If the underlying falls in price—and even if it sits still—you’ll collect the premium, but you won’t be assigned a short position.
  • Your profit is defined by the premium you collect. Your risk is unlimited. If the underlying security is in-the-money (meaning the underlying is trading higher than the strike price) at expiration, you’ll be assigned a short position. For standard equity (stock) options, each contract is exercised into 100 shares.

Multipliers and contract terms

Different securities (stocks, stock indexes, ETFs, futures) have different option contract sizes and delivery terms.

  • The naked short call strategy can only be executed in a margin account. You would need substantial margin cash on hand and special permission from your broker. The margin requirements are fluid and may change—sometimes daily—during an option’s life.
  • Risk management is key. Keep a close eye on the price of the underlying, and consider putting a stop-loss order in place to help limit your risk if a trade is going against you.
  • One popular strategy involving call selling is the covered call, where you sell call options against stocks you own. It’s a way to potentially earn income from stocks you own, but if the stock price rises above your strike price, your stock might get “called away.”

Selling uncovered puts. In exchange for collecting a premium, the uncovered “naked” put seller accepts the obligation to buy the underlying security at the strike price until the option’s expiration date. The position is considered uncovered if you don’t have any corresponding short exposure in the underlying—either through a short position in the security or a long put position in another strike, for example.

The naked short put is also a high-risk position, but technically slightly less risky than a naked short call. That’s because in a worst-case scenario, a stock can only fall to zero, but could rise to infinity (see the risk graph for short puts).

Risk graph for a short put option at the 45-strike.
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Figure 1: SELLING PUTS FOR STOCK ACCUMULATION. With the stock at $50, if you sell a 45-strike cash-secured put for $2, you'll be assigned a long position of 100 shares at $45 if the stock falls below that price. But because you took in $2 of premium, you're essentially acquiring the stock at $43. If the stock stays above the strike, you pocket the $2 premium and have no position in the stock. For educational purposes only.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

Breaking down the short put strategy:

  • This a neutral to bullish position. If the underlying rises in price—or even if it sits still—you’ll collect the premium, but you won’t be assigned a long position.
  • Just like with the short call, your maximum profit on a short put is defined by the premium you collect. The risk is substantial.
  • Some traders sell naked out-of-the-money puts on stocks they’d like to own at a certain price. They choose a strike price at or below their target. For example, if a stock is trading at $100, and you’d like to buy it if it ever gets down to $90, you could sell the 90-strike put. If the stock doesn’t get down to $90, you pocket the premium. If it does, you’re assigned a long position at a price where you’d like to buy anyway. This is called an “accumulation” strategy.
  • You’ll need special permission from your broker to sell uncovered puts. For basic-tier margin accounts, the broker will require enough cash to purchase the underlying if you’re assigned (this is known as a “cash-secured” put). For example, to sell a 90-strike put, you might be required to keep enough ready cash to buy 100 shares at $90 per share, or $9,000.

Insurance companies are put sellers

Everyday life is full of options. One example that’s familiar to us is insurance companies. If you have car insurance, you know that every year, you pay a premium for coverage. That coverage is a put option, and the insurance company is the seller.

The insurance company collects the premium and hopes you’ll never have to submit a claim. If you do submit a claim, it’s essentially an in-the-money put option that you “exercised.” Your insurance company was “assigned” this option and has an obligation to pay.

Insurance companies love claims-free drivers. A no-claim year is a put option that expires out of the money (i.e., worthless), and thus the insurance company keeps the full profit on the put option they sold to you.

Bottom line

Selling options puts the premium in your pocket up front, but it exposes you to risk—potentially substantial risk—if the market moves against you. Some brokers may not allow you to sell naked short calls, and put selling might be limited to the cash-secured variety.

But there’s a way to collect premium up front, give yourself a bearish or bullish bias, and limit your risk. It’s called a vertical spread, and if you’re ready to take your options knowledge to the next level, it’s a great place to start.