Avignon: Media



History of the Avignon papacy
Learn about how the Papal Palace in Avignon, France, reflects the wealth and power...
Video: Contunico © ZDF Studios GmbH, Mainz


The Saint-Bénézet bridge spanning the Rhône River at Avignon, France. The Palais...
Dallas and John Heaton from Stone—CLICK/Chicago
Avignon, France
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Palais des Papes (papal palace), Avignon, Fr.
Courtesy of the French Government Tourist office; photograph, Lucien Viguier
Pont d'Avignon
Pont d'Avignon over the Rhône River, Avignon, France.
© JAG IMAGES/stock.adobe.com
Rhône River
The Rhône River flowing past Avignon, France.
Rolf Süssbrich