Bay of Bengal
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Bay of Bengal, large but relatively shallow embayment of the northeastern Indian Ocean, occupying an area of about 839,000 square miles (2,173,000 square km). It lies roughly between latitudes 5° and 22° N and longitudes 80° and 90° E. It is bordered by Sri Lanka and India to the west, Bangladesh to the north, and Myanmar (Burma) and the northern part of the Malay Peninsula to the east. According to the definition of the International Hydrographic Bureau, the southern boundary extends from Dondra Head at the southern end of Sri Lanka in the west to the northern tip of the Indonesian island of Sumatra in the east. The bay is about 1,000 miles (1,600 km) wide, with an average depth of more than 8,500 feet (2,600 meters). The maximum depth is 15,400 feet (4,694 meters). A number of large rivers—the Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna, and Kaveri (Cauvery) on the west and the Ganges (Ganga) and Brahmaputra on the north—flow into the Bay of Bengal. The Andaman and Nicobar groups, which are the only islands, separate the bay from the Andaman Sea.
Physical features
The Bay of Bengal is bordered to the north by a wide continental shelf that narrows to the south and by slopes of varying gradient on the northwest, north, and northeast, all cut by canyons from the rivers. Most important are the Ganges-Brahmaputra, Andhra, Mahadevan, Krishna, and Godavari canyons. These were former estuaries when the shoreline was at the margin of the continental shelf during the Pleistocene Epoch (about 2,600,000 to 11,700 years ago). The deep floor of the bay is occupied by a vast abyssal (deep-sea) plain that slopes to the south. The main submarine features include the beginning of the long, seismically active Java Trench near the Nicobar-Sumatra mainland and of the aseismic Ninetyeast Ridge. The fan of sediments of the Ganges River is the widest—5 to 7 miles (8 to 11 km)—and thickest in the world. The bay itself was formed as the Indian subcontinent collided with Asia within roughly the past 50 million years.
The climate of the Bay of Bengal is dominated by the monsoons. From November through April a continental high-pressure system north of the bay produces northeast winds (the northeast monsoon) characteristic of the winter season. During the northern summer (June–September) the rain-bearing southwest monsoon prevails, as intense heat produces a low-pressure system over the continent and a subsequent air flow from the ocean.
Cyclones—intense tropical storms of high winds and torrential rains—occur in spring (April–May) and fall (October–November); these are the weeks preceding the onset of monsoon rains and the weeks following their retreat. A cyclone in November 1970 in the Ganges River delta resulted in the deaths of an enormous number of people and livestock. A storm of comparable magnitude in April 1991 devastated the eastern shore of Bangladesh, and another powerful cyclone devastated the coastal Indian state of Orissa (now Odisha) in October 1999. Water spouts occur frequently in the bay during the summer months.
A unique feature of the bay is the extreme variability of its physical properties. Temperature in the offshore areas, however, is warm and markedly uniform at all seasons, decreasing somewhat toward the north. Surface densities are considerably greater in spring than in fall, when river discharge is highest. Surface salinity, normally measuring 33 to 34 parts per thousand, can fall to nearly half that level and can extend well south of the bay during the fall. Below the surface layer is an oxygen-poor intermediate layer that has high salinity and undergoes only weak circulation. Weak upwelling occurs in the northeast during the northeast monsoon. The sea presents alternately slick and ruffled surfaces over shallow internal waves all along the east-coast shelf. Surface movements of the waters change direction with the season, the northeast monsoon giving them a clockwise circulation, the southeast monsoon a counterclockwise circulation. Severe storms occur at the change of monsoon, particularly to the south in October.

In addition to water-level changes resulting from waves and tide, the average sea level varies throughout the year. Because rainfall and riverine input exceed evaporation, the bay exhibits a net water gain annually. The bay is also subject to occasional tsunamis; one such event, caused by an undersea earthquake near the Indonesian island of Sumatra in December 2004, devastated extensive coastal areas of the bay, particularly in Sri Lanka and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
Bottom deposits
Sediments in the Bay of Bengal are dominated by terrigenous deposits from the rivers, derived mainly from the Indian subcontinent and from the Himalayas. Calcareous clays and oozes are found near the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and atop the Ninetyeast Ridge. The amount of organic matter present in the continental-shelf sediment of the northern part of the east coast is poor compared with the world’s average for nearshore sediments.