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Dampier, town and port, northwestern Western Australia, on King Bay, an inlet of the Indian Ocean. Beginning in 1965, the town and port were constructed by the Hamersley Iron company to handle iron ore mined at Mount Tom Price (about 180 miles [290 km] south) and Paraburdoo in the Hamersley Range.
Dampier lies just west of Roebourne, an old pearling port (1866) that served the Pilbara goldfield from 1888 until 1912, when a rail line bypassed it in favour of Port Hedland farther east. The development of Dampier represented a revival of shipping in the Roebourne area. Dampier takes its name from the offshore archipelago named for the British buccaneer William Dampier, who explored the north and west coasts of Australia in 1688 and 1699.
In the early 21st century the port was one of the largest bulk handlers in Australia, exporting salt, iron ore, and liquefied natural gas. Just north of the North West Coastal Highway to Perth (1,018 miles [1,638 km] south), Dampier is supplied with fresh water from the nearby intermittent Maitland River and from a desalinization plant. Salt is a significant commercial product. Liquefied natural gas is piped ashore from rich oil and gas fields on the northwest continental shelf to nearby Burrup Peninsula’s processing plant before being exported or pumped south to Perth. Pop. (2001) urban centre, 1,469; (2011) urban centre, 1,341.