East Schelde Dam
dam, Netherlands
Also known as: Eastern Scheldt Dam, Oosterscheldedam
Learn about this topic in these articles:
Eastern Schelde River
- In Eastern Schelde
…the Delta Works project, the Oosterscheldedam (Eastern Schelde Dam) at the mouth of the channel is a storm surge barrier that has transformed the channel into a tidal saltwater area. Secondary dams include the Oesterdam in the eastern part of the Eastern Schelde and the Philipsdam in the Volkerak Channel…
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feature of the Netherlands
- In Netherlands: Drainage and dikes
The largest of these dams, crossing the five-mile- (eight-km-) wide Eastern Schelde (Oosterschelde) estuary, has been built in the form of a storm-surge barrier incorporating dozens of openings that can be closed in the event of flood. The barrier is normally open, allowing salt water to enter the estuary…
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