- Also called:
- Second Reich
- Date:
- January 18, 1871 - November 9, 1918
- Related Topics:
- German Civil Code
- Reichstag
- Junker
- Reichstag
- Related Places:
- Germany
- Berlin
- Prussia
- Pomerania
- East Prussia
The diplomatic crisis of July 1914 was not, like the two Moroccan crises, manufactured by the German foreign office. There is little or no evidence that the Germans deliberately planned war in the summer of 1914. The strongest argument against this view is that there was probably no one in the government capable of planning anything. The crisis caught the German statesmen unawares. They had now to answer the question which Bismarck had evaded: Were they to abandon Austria-Hungary, or must they fight for its sake a war against the other great powers? The rulers of Germany determined to stand by Austria-Hungary, but they did not at first appreciate that this was a decision for war. They supposed that a firm line would lead the other powers to give way.
On July 5 William II and Bethmann authorized Austria-Hungary to act against Serbia and promised German support if Russia attempted to intervene. The promise was given without serious consideration and in the belief that it would not be called upon. Three weeks later Germany warned Russia against mobilization. The warning was in vain. Helmuth von Moltke, the chief of the general staff, then set Germany on the course for war. He believed that Germany’s only chance of victory lay in defeating France before Russia was ready. Therefore he insisted that the Russian mobilization gave the German government no choice: it must at once declare war on both France and Russia. Bethmann could find no answer to this military argument. Not only did he acquiesce, he defended the German march through Belgium which he knew to be indefensible and which brought Great Britain into the war against Germany.
It was claimed subsequently that “mobilization meant war” for all powers and that this was universally known. Hence Russia was supposed to have started the war by mobilizing first. The argument was unsound. For the other powers mobilization meant simply mobilization; it did not make war inevitable, though it made it easier. Mobilization meant war only for Germany. This was not the result of some inscrutable decision of Providence but a deliberate calculation made long beforehand in order to exploit Germany’s speed of mobilization and thus to solve the problem of war on two fronts. In this sense the man most responsible for the war was Alfred, Graf von Schlieffen, the former chief of the general staff, who had died in 1913. It was his strategical plan of attack on France through Belgium which led Moltke to insist on declaring war in August 1914.
The outbreak of war accomplished something which social concessions had failed to do. It brought the Social Democrats over to the support of the imperial government. The German Socialists had always been the leading spokesmen in the Second International of the general strike against war. When it came to the point, they were won over by the argument that Germany was being attacked by tsarist Russia. At the meeting of Socialist members, a minority opposed the war. When the Reichstag met, however, the entire Social Democratic Party voted for war credits in the name of party unity. The Socialists went further. They joined the other parties in declaring Burgfrieden, a civil truce, by which they agreed to criticize neither each other nor the government. In other countries at war, the party politicians formed a coalition or otherwise established control over the government. In Germany the members of the Reichstag abdicated to the imperial government, though it remained unchanged and beyond their control. No wonder that William II declared, “There are no more parties. I see only Germans.”
This was, of course, an exaggeration. The Social Democrats had always some doubts about supporting the war without reserve, and they had to devise increasingly elaborate arguments in order to satisfy their consciences. In the autumn of 1914, after the Battle of Tannenberg, it became obvious that Russia was not a menace to Germany. The Social Democrats then made out that Germany was becoming a Socialist country under the pressure of war and that they were fighting a war of defense against “Entente capitalism.”
For Germany, as for other belligerent countries, World War I fell into two distinct phases. The first was a traditional, if exceptionally bloody, conventional war that lasted until 1916. The second phase was a war of desperate expedients when both sides fought a struggle for existence. The Germans had planned for a short war. France was to be overrun within six weeks, Russia within six months, and Great Britain would be excluded from Europe. This plan met with disaster at the First Battle of the Marne (September 1914). Moltke’s modification of the Schlieffen Plan meant that the Germans missed the capture of Paris, upon which they had pinned their hopes. Lines of trenches stretched to the French coast, and the Germans were left in occupation of Belgium and of northern France. Yet, at the same moment, the defeat of the Russians at Tannenberg gave Germany the security which was its ostensible war aim. At any time between September 1914 and the summer of 1917, the Germans could have had peace on the basis of the status quo. Such a peace, however, was impossible for Germany. It would have destroyed the prestige of the German armies and arrested the expansion of German industry. Above all, it would have led to a political revolution at home. The Bismarckian compromise between the demands of the middle classes and those of the Junkers had been created in order to restrain German ambitions and to make a moderate policy possible. Now the Germans had to wage a war of conquest and abandon all moderation in order to preserve the Bismarckian compromise.
The defeat at the Marne brought a change in the high command. Helmuth von Moltke, nephew of the great commander of 1866 and 1870, disappeared and was succeeded by Erich von Falkenhayn. Falkenhayn was an organizer rather than a strategist, and he determined to stand on the defensive in the west while breaking Germany’s enemies in the east. This plan was, in its limited aim, successful. Anglo-French offensives on the Western Front achieved nothing. Meanwhile the Russians were driven out of Galicia, and the way was prepared for the conquest of Poland. In the autumn of 1915 Serbia was overrun, and, with the entry of Bulgaria into the war, the Central Powers had a secure land route to Turkey and, beyond it, to the Persian Gulf. Turkish efforts to threaten the Suez Canal failed, but this was more than offset by the Allied failure to break through the Dardanelles. The Allies had counted on great advantage from bringing Italy into the war (May 1915), but their hopes were disappointed. The Italian armies were no more than a match for the Austro-Hungarian army, and in any case they had to attack on a very narrow front where no decisive victory could be obtained.
In home affairs the second year of the war saw the first effort to mobilize German resources for a serious war. No preparations had been made for this, and the inspiration of the program came from Walther Rathenau, an industrialist who convinced Bethmann and the high command of the need for an economic plan in the winter of 1914. It may be said without exaggeration that Rathenau alone made it possible for Germany to wage war for four years. Politically, too, the second year of the war saw the beginning of an effort to think in war terms. The conquest of Belgium shifted Germany’s interests west. Throughout the war, Germans of every party, including the Social Democrats, made the annexation of Belgium, in whole or in part, or at least German control of Belgium, an essential condition of peace. This was sometimes justified by strategic arguments, disguised as the need for security, sometimes by arguments of economic union. The basic fact was that German plans of conquest had moved to the west and for a simple reason: Germany had become the greatest industrial power. The plans for extending German territory in the Baltic—the only plans with which the Prussian Junkers sympathized—were plans for the benefit of landowners. The plans for controlling southeastern Europe, also of long standing, were the plans of German traders. Both were eclipsed by the ambition of the German magnates of the Ruhr to control the industrial resources of Belgium and of northeastern France. Against these plans, there was a stirring of German liberal sentiment, some of it roused merely by the hope that Germany might make peace with the Entente if it demanded less territory in western Europe or was even content with territory in the east. There was also a movement among a minority of the Social Democrats against a war of conquest—and soon against any war at all. In December 1914 Karl Liebknecht, a left-wing Socialist, first voted against the war credits. In 1915 some Social Democrats began to move against their party and to form an “independent” group that was largely pacifist in tone.
In 1916 Falkenhayn, still without a constructive strategy, attempted to “bleed the French white” by the prolonged Battle of Verdun (February-June), which exhausted the Germans almost as much as it did the French. At the same time, an attempt to break British naval power by direct assault failed at the Battle of Jutland (May 31, 1916), the only serious engagement fought by the German High Seas Fleet in the course of the war. It became clear that new men and new methods were necessary if Germany was to continue the war.
The decisive change came on August 29, 1916, when William II dismissed Falkenhayn and appointed Paul von Hindenburg chief of staff with Erich Ludendorff as his quartermaster general. Hindenburg had achieved a somewhat spurious fame as the victor of Tannenberg. Elderly, stolid, imperturbable, he symbolized for Germans “the will to victory.” Wooden statues of him were erected, and Germans paid to drive nails into them as a contribution to war charities. Ludendorff, a man of middle-class origin, had a wider strategic vision and combined this with an obstinate belief that Germany could achieve total victory.
The political crisis of 1916–17
The appointment of Hindenburg and Ludendorff ushered in the political crisis of the German Empire. Until then the Bismarckian balance had been maintained. Falkenhayn and Bethmann were agreed that Germany could hope, at best, for a compromise peace, and each worked for this in his own sphere without interfering in the other. Falkenhayn aimed to wear down the French at Verdun. Bethmann negotiated with tsarist Russia for a peace without victory and tried to enlist the sympathetic mediation of the United States. These moderate policies did not satisfy the confident ambitions of most Germans. In October 1916 the Reichstag passed a motion, proposed by the Centre, that it had confidence in Bethmann so long as he possessed the confidence of the high command. This resolution cut the ground from beneath Bethmann’s feet. He could no longer sustain civil authority against the demands of Hindenburg and Ludendorff.
In November 1916 Ludendorff insisted on the proclamation of an independent kingdom of Poland, in the hope of winning Polish recruits for the German army. This effectively ended the peace negotiations with Russia, but it brought little Polish support to the armies of the Central Powers. On January 9, 1917, a crown council resolved, much against Bethmann’s opinion, to inaugurate unrestricted submarine warfare in the hope of bringing the British to their knees. Though this campaign, announced on February 1, came within sight of success, it was ultimately defeated by the British system of convoys. It had the far graver consequence of bringing the United States into the war against Germany.
The spring of 1917 saw the growth of war-weariness in Germany. The hard winter was accompanied by a shortage of food, and it was long remembered in Germany as the Steckrübenwinter (“turnip winter”). Ludendorff had taken over a difficult strategic situation and had to conduct a defensive war, with dispiriting results, throughout 1917. The first Russian revolution (March 1917) encouraged left-wing feeling in Germany, and on April 7 Bethmann once more promised a democratic reform of the Prussian franchise. As before, the promise was not fulfilled. In July there was a mutiny in the German navy, which was confined to its base at Kiel. Hitherto the attacks on the war had come from the Independent Social Democrats and from the Spartacists, as the revolutionary followers of Liebknecht were coming to be called. In the spring of 1917 Matthias Erzberger, leader of the Centre, visited Gen. Max Hoffmann, who had succeeded Ludendorff on the Eastern Front, and learned from him that the war was lost. Erzberger returned to Berlin, determined to secure for the Centre the position of leading antiwar party. The Centre was, it seemed, the only party that could survive any change of regime. On July 6 he launched an attack on Bethmann, accusing him of advocating a policy of conquest and demanding the enunciation of defensive peace terms.
Ludendorff had long regarded Bethmann as weak and too pacific, but he nonetheless welcomed this attack by Erzberger as a way of getting a chancellor more to his taste. Thus the high command and Erzberger worked hand in hand, though for exactly opposite reasons. Both wanted to get rid of Bethmann—Ludendorff in order to secure a puppet chancellor who would acquiesce in a more aggressive conduct of the war and Erzberger and other politicians in order to impose a compromise peace on the high command by calling Bülow in as chancellor. Bülow had enjoyed an undeserved reputation as a liberal, because of his clash with the conservatives in 1909. His parting words to the conservatives had been: “We shall meet again at Philippi.” Bülow and the politicians of the Reichstag thought that Philippi had now come. When Ludendorff renewed his complaints against Bethmann, William II sent his son, the crown prince William, to Berlin in order to sound political opinion. The leaders of the political parties duly reported that they had lost confidence in Bethmann, and he resigned. At this point Erzberger’s scheme broke down. William II, with the humiliation of the Daily Telegraph still rankling, refused to hear Bülow’s name mentioned. The politicians had no other candidate to suggest, and Ludendorff then nominated out of hand Georg Michaelis, an unknown official who had acted competently as Prussian food controller. Thus ended the great crisis that was to give Germany parliamentary government with the backing of the high command.
The Reichstag had to be given some satisfaction. Having failed to produce a chancellor, the politicians were allowed to make a policy. The “peace resolution” of July 19 was a string of innocuous phrases expressing Germany’s will to peace but without a clear renunciation of indemnities or annexations. Most of the politicians who supported it, including Erzberger himself, were still in favour of annexing Belgium and part of northeastern France. Later in the year the Reichstag received a further acknowledgment from the high command. Ludendorff admitted that Michaelis had proved incompetent as chancellor and ordered him out of office (October 31, 1917). The next chancellor, Georg, Graf von Hertling, was 75 years of age and had been prime minister of Bavaria. He was appointed principally to please the Centre, as he was a Roman Catholic. As a further concession, Friedrich von Payer, the leader of the Progressives, became vice-chancellor. Neither Hertling nor Payer had any influence on policy, which was determined by the high command. Only Richard von Kühlmann, the secretary of state, tried to assert some civilian control. He too was ordered out of office by the high command when he ventured to suggest in the Reichstag that a peace based on complete victory was no longer possible.