Vólos, on the Gulf of Pagasaí, Greece.
Gulf of Pagasaí
gulf, Greece
Also known as: Gulf of Pagasae, Pagasitikós Kólpos
- Modern Greek:
- Pagasitikós Kólpos
- Ancient:
- Gulf of Pagasae
- Also called:
- Gulf of Vólos
Gulf of Pagasaí, gulf of the Aegean Sea, nomós (department) of Magnisía, Thessaly (Modern Greek: Thessalía), Greece. The gulf is almost landlocked by a fishhook prong of the Magnesia peninsula, which forms the Tríkkeri Strait. At the head of the gulf is Vólos, the primary port of Thessaly. It lies on the site of ancient Iolcos and its port, Pagasae, from whence is derived the gulf’s present name. In Greek myth the king of Iolcos, Pelias, dispatched Jason from Pagasae in the ship Argo to search for the Golden Fleece.