- Tibetan and Sanskrit:
- Sindhu
- Sindhi:
- Sindhu or Mehran
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Peoples living along the upper reaches of the Indus—e.g., Tibetans, Ladakhi, and Balti—show affinities with Central rather than South Asia. They speak Tibetan languages and practice Buddhism, although the Balti have adopted Islam. Pastoralism is important in the local economy. In the main Himalayan ranges, areas drained by the headwaters of the major Indus tributaries form a transitional zone where Tibetan cultural features mingle with those of the Indian pahari (hill) region.
Elsewhere in the Indus valley the inhabitants speak Indo-European languages and are Muslims, reflecting repeated incursions of peoples entering the Indian subcontinent from the west over several millennia. The rugged mountains of the western Kashmir region are inhabited by Dardic-speaking groups (Kafir, Kohistanis, Shinas, and Kashmiri Gujar), whose languages, like most in the region, are Indo-European in origin. In the Hunza River valley, the long-lived Burusho speak a language (Burushaski) that has no known ties to any other language. Those groups combine herding with irrigation-based cultivation.
Pashtuns, speaking Pashto and closely related to the tribes of Afghanistan, predominate in northwestern Pakistan. The Yusufzai are the largest of the Pashtun tribes, others being the Afridi, Muhmand, Khattak, and Wazir. In the mountainous tribal areas of Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, the fiercely independent Pashtuns retain their traditional tribal structure and political organization.
The well-watered northern Indus plains are settled by agricultural groups who speak Punjabi, Lahnda, and related dialects and who form the most numerous of the Indus valley peoples. Language, ethnicity, and tribal organization play a less-important role in differentiating groups there. The major distinguishing feature among Punjabi peoples is caste, although without the religious and ritual connotations of the Hindu system. Muslim Jats and Rajputs are important Punjabi communities.
The lower Indus valley is inhabited by agricultural peoples who speak Sindhi and related dialects. Many cultural traits in the region appear to be of considerable antiquity, and the Sindhi pride themselves on their regional distinctiveness. Karachi, though in Sindh, is predominantly an Urdu-speaking city settled by Punjabis and muhājir, immigrants from India who arrived in Pakistan after partition of the subcontinent in 1947.