Jaintia Hills
Jaintia Hills, physiographic region, eastern Meghalaya state, northeastern India. The sparsely populated mountainous region—part of the Meghalaya plateau—has an average elevation of more than 3,000 feet (900 metres). It receives generally heavy rainfall and is densely forested. Fine timber woods are produced, but there is little industry. The Kopili River, which is the largest stream in the region, is rocky and swift and has many spectacular waterfalls. There are several species of rare wildlife.
The inhabitants of the Jaintia Hills are primarily tribal Jaintias, who, like the Khasis to the west, are thought to be descendants of the first Mongolian migration to India. Until the 19th century these people had a three-tiered system of administration. Under British rule, however, this system was broken down, and after independence it was replaced by a district council for tribal affairs and an Indian officer who administered other matters.
Partly because of their isolation, the Jaintias have largely maintained their matriarchal culture. They still practice shifting cultivation (potatoes are the main crop), though the Indian government attempted—with some success—to promote settled farming. Jaintias more than other tribal groups of the region have been influenced by Hinduism and Aryan ways, and, thus, settled farming was more readily accepted in the Jaintia Hills.

While the region remains isolated and less developed than much of India, British hegemony and its aftermath brought about a remarkable degree of unity among the peoples of the hill districts of Meghalaya.