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Jeseník Mountains
Resort in the Jeseník Mountains, northern Czech Republic.
Jeseník Mountains
mountain range, Czech Republic
Also known as: Altvatergebirge
- German:
- Altvatergebirge
Jeseník Mountains, mountain range that forms the eastern section of the Sudeten mountain system in the northern Czech Republic. The range lies in northern Moravia, bordering the Polish frontier. The Hrubý (High) Jeseník, also known as Vysoký Jeseník, reaches the highest point at Praděd (4,892 feet [1,491 m]). The Nízký (Low) Jeseník, just to the east, has a lower profile. The Králický Sněžník Massif is northwest of the Hrubý Jeseník group and extends into Poland. The Jeseník Mountains are broken remnants of an ancient uplifted crystalline massif. The mountains are dotted with abandoned mines, principally for iron. Šumperk, Jeseník, and Karlova Studánka are focal points for tourists, while Dolní Lipová has a health resort.