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Baltimore has continued to lose people to the suburbs. From a population of some three-quarters of a million in 1990, it had declined to about 600,000 by midway through the next decade. Calculations for the next largest cities are impeded by the tendency of municipalities not to incorporate; thus, boundary lines are drawn arbitrarily by census takers. There are only some 150 incorporated cities and towns in Maryland.
Sectionalism within Maryland is dictated by terrain. The Eastern Shore farmers concentrate on chickens, corn (maize), and soybeans; the factory-style output of broilers (young chickens) is immense. A mercantile appendage of Wilmington, Delaware, and Philadelphia until the bay was bridged in 1952, the nine-county Eastern Shore has become a vacation and retirement spot for the affluent, who appreciate the privacy of its flat, wooded, little-traveled estate areas serpentined with creeks, coves, guts, necks, and inlets.
Southern Maryland’s five counties on the Western Shore (Anne Arundel, Prince George’s, Calvert, Charles, and St. Mary’s) have built a way of life around state government, tobacco growing, military installations, and, increasingly, residential areas for Washingtonians. Thus, Prince George’s county, almost one big suburb, has become—along with Montgomery county—one of Maryland’s two most populous counties.
Central Maryland comprises the city of Baltimore and five counties. Four of the counties contain most of Baltimore’s suburbs; the fifth is Montgomery, on the northwestern edge of Washington, D.C. Only about one-sixth of Marylanders live outside metropolitan areas. Central Maryland is one long, contiguous metropolitan area that stretches from Baltimore to Washington, D.C., and reaches over the Bay Bridge to the Eastern Shore to include Queen Anne’s county.
The four counties of western Maryland owe much to road, railroad, and canal builders. The barging of coal and grain ceased in 1924, but the creation of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park in 1971 assured a stream of excursionists. Interstate and national roads carry city dwellers to Garrett county, where mountainside ski runs complement aquatic sports on Deep Creek Lake, the largest man-made body of water in the state.

The heaviest concentrations of population are around Washington, D.C., and Baltimore. The stretch between the two cities, which are only 40 miles (65 km) apart, has become urbanized—although the growth outward from the cities has been uneven—and has fused to create one of the largest metropolitan areas in the United States.
Between Washington and Baltimore proper is the planned, nationally watched city of Columbia, in Howard county. Created only in the mid-1960s, Columbia was approaching its intended population of some 100,000 four decades later. The city is unincorporated, governed by a private association rather than an elected government. A community not only of cars and shopping malls but also with ample greenery and other amenities, Columbia is slightly closer to Baltimore, although a majority of its residents work in or near Washington, D.C. Many jobs in Maryland’s high-technology industries are located close to Columbia along Interstate 95.
Service businesses employ a higher proportion of the total workforce than any other sector of the economy, and agriculture directly supports only a small number of people. The state has taken an increasing interest in the well-being of the private sector, particularly through its Department of Business and Economic Development. The agency encourages outside firms to locate in Maryland, promotes tourism, and keeps a close watch on the economy of the state. Maryland’s biotechnology, aerospace, information technology, and other high-technology industries made it one of the leading states in the knowledge- and information technology–based “new economy” of the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
The major manufactures are primary metals, electronic and electrical equipment, transportation equipment, chemicals, and food and kindred products. Another important industry is printing and publishing. Most large establishments are branches of out-of-state corporations, but wages for production workers are slightly above the national average. Electricity is generated at a nuclear plant at Calvert Cliffs; western Maryland coal mining ebbed but made something of a comeback with the national trend of rising energy costs in the early 21st century.
Maryland has one category of nationwide preeminence in terms of production: crabs. The state’s crab haul consistently has surpassed that of other states, although there has been a marked decline in the catch since the late 1990s. Saltwater staples also include other shellfish (notably oysters), as well as perch, flounder, and other finfish.
In its early history Maryland was an agricultural colony, its main crop being tobacco. Manufacturing replaced agriculture as the dominant economic activity in the late 19th century. By the early 21st century only a small proportion of the gross state product came from agricultural products. The principal crops are greenhouse and nursery products, soybeans, and corn (maize).
Maryland has a well-developed network of high-speed interstate highways, especially in the corridor between Baltimore and Washington, D.C. It is possible to swing around Baltimore and Washington on ring-road beltways or to avoid them altogether by Eastern Shore routes. The Harbor Tunnel Thruway, Francis Scott Key Bridge, and Fort McHenry Tunnel provide routes across Baltimore’s harbour. The Potomac is spanned at several places around Washington, and two bridges traverse the Chesapeake east of Annapolis.
Amtrak provides passenger rail service to Baltimore, and residents of Montgomery and Prince George’s counties can commute to Washington, D.C., on the Metro rapid-transit rail system; in addition, the Maryland Rail Commuter Service (MARC) connects Baltimore and Frederick to Washington. Baltimore too has built a rapid-transit commuter system—between Owings Mills, a northwest suburb, and downtown. Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport (BWI) is a major regional hub and is augmented by numerous public airports throughout the state. The port of Baltimore has excellent facilities for freight shipments and is one of the country’s busiest ports. Operations there, supervised by a state agency, are especially well adapted for bulk commodities, container shipments, and foreign-made automobiles.