- Arabic:
- Al-Baḥr Al-Aḥmar
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Five major types of mineral resources are found in the Red Sea region: petroleum deposits, evaporite deposits (sediments laid down as a result of evaporation, such as halite, sylvite, gypsum, and dolomite), sulfur, phosphates, and the heavy-metal deposits in the bottom oozes of the Atlantis II, Discovery, and other deeps. The oil and natural gas deposits have been exploited to varying degrees by the nations adjoining the sea; of note are the deposits near Jamsah (Gemsa) Promontory (in Egypt) at the juncture of the Gulf of Suez and the Red Sea. Despite their ready availability, the evaporites have been exploited only slightly, primarily on a local basis. Sulfur has been mined extensively since the early 20th century, particularly from deposits at Jamsah Promontory. Phosphate deposits are present on both sides of the sea, but the grade of the ore has been too low to warrant exploitation with existing techniques.
None of the heavy metal deposits have been exploited, although the sediments of the Atlantis II Deep alone have been estimated to be of considerable economic value. The average analysis of the Atlantis II Deep deposit has revealed an iron content of 29 percent; zinc 3.4 percent; copper 1.3 percent; and trace quantities of lead, silver, and gold. The total brine-free sediment estimated to be present in the upper 30 feet of the Atlantis II Deep is about 50 million tons. These deposits appear to extend to a depth of 60 feet below the present sediment surface, but the quality of the deposits below 30 feet is unknown. The sediments of the Discovery Deep and of several other deposits also have significant metalliferous content but at lower concentrations than that in the Atlantis II Deep, and thus they have not been of as much economic interest. The recovery of sediment located beneath 5,700 to 6,400 feet of water poses problems. But since most of these metalliferous deposits are fluid oozes, it is thought to be possible to pump them to the surface in much the same way as oil. There also are numerous proposals for drying and beneficiating (treating for smelting) these deposits after recovery.
Navigation in the Red Sea is difficult. The unindented shorelines of the sea’s northern half provide few natural harbours, and in the southern half the growth of coral reefs has restricted the navigable channel and blocked some harbour facilities. At Bab el-Mandeb Strait, the channel is kept open to shipping by blasting and dredging. Atmospheric distortion (heat shimmer), sandstorms, and highly irregular water currents add to the navigational hazards.
Study and exploration
The Red Sea is one of the first large bodies of water mentioned in recorded history. It was important in early Egyptian maritime commerce (2000 bce) and was used as a water route to India by about 1000 bce. It is believed that it was reasonably well-charted by 1500 bce, because at that time Queen Hatshepsut of Egypt sailed its length. Later the Phoenicians explored its shores during their circumnavigatory exploration of Africa in about 600 bce. Shallow canals were dug between the Nile and the Red Sea before the 1st century ce but were later abandoned. A deep canal between the Mediterranean and Red seas was first suggested about 800 ce by the caliph Hārūn al-Rashīd, but it was not until 1869 that the French diplomat Ferdinand de Lesseps oversaw the completion of the Suez Canal connecting the two seas.
The Red Sea was subject to substantial scientific research in the 20th century, particularly since World War II. Notable cruises included those of the Swedish research vessel Albatross (1948) and the American Glomar Challenger (1972). In addition to studying the sea’s chemical and biological properties, researchers focused considerable attention on understanding its geologic structure. Much of the geologic study was in conjunction with oil exploration.