Senate Square
square, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Also known as: Decembrists’ Square, Dekabrists’ Square
Learn about this topic in these articles:
Decembrist Rebellion
- In Nicholas I: Ascent to the throne of Nicholas I
…in military formation to the Senate Square—now the Decembrist Square—in the heart of the capital. Although the rebellion had failed by nightfall, it meant that Nicholas I ascended the throne over the bodies of some of his subjects and in actual combat with the dreaded revolution.
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features of Saint Petersburg
- In St. Petersburg: Admiralty Side
…the expanse that was called Senate Square when the Senate moved there in 1763; it is now called Decembrists’ (or Dekabristovs’) Square in commemoration of the revolt in 1825. The buildings of the former Senate and Synod (now housing archives) dominate the western side of the square, their decorated facades…
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