Tokyo formerly (until 1868):

The premodern period

Tokyo celebrated its 500th anniversary in 1957. The calculation was from the most likely date for the initial fortification of Edo. The structure cannot have been elaborate, probably little more than a house upon a low eminence with log ramparts. There must have been a village on the site from much earlier. The ancient Sensō Temple (popularly called the Asakusa Kannon), east of Ueno station and near the Sumida, dates from perhaps the late 7th century (although nearly all its structures are postwar). The name Edo means something like “estuary” or “inlet.” The clan in possession of the area bore the name Edo, taken from the name of the village.

Edo did not amount to much until the 17th century. The first Tokugawa shogun, Ieyasu, took possession of Edo in 1590 and in 1603 made it the seat of his government, which effectively controlled the country and left only ceremonial functions with the imperial court and Kyōto. The marshy estuary was largely filled in during the course of the century, and Nihonbashi became the heart of the mercantile city. The military aristocracy did not disdain the flatlands, but they quite dominated the hilly regions to the west. The court aristocracy remained in Kyōto.

Growth was rapid through the 17th and 18th centuries. Early in the Tokugawa period (1603–1867) Kyōto maintained its old cultural preeminence. Cultural hegemony then moved to Ōsaka, Japan’s other great mercantile city. By the end of the 18th century it had moved to Edo, where it reposed in 1868, when the emperor moved from Kyōto and the name was changed to Tokyo. The Edo century, as it may be called, was not among Japan’s finer periods for the graphic and literary arts, but it was very good for the theatre. The kabuki, the great love of the Edo townspeople, reached remarkable heights of subtlety and sophistication.

Edo may well have become the largest city in the world in the 18th century. It passed a million people before London and Paris did and probably was larger than the capitals of the Ottoman and Chinese empires. At the end of the Tokugawa period the regions east of the castle were much more important than those to the west, where only a thin residential band lay. The districts immediately east of the castle and on beyond the Sumida River had become the most important cultural centre in the land. This changed utterly during the 20th century. Today the east has scarcely anything to offer in cultural terms, while the west has everything.

Throughout its history the city has been prone to disaster. There were severe earthquakes between the arrival of the first shogun and the end of the Tokugawa regime, but the commonest disaster was fire, known as “the flower of Edo.” Though there were fires of great magnitude in 1923 and 1945, the flower gradually has been extirpated. The most considerable Edo fire occurred in 1657, which happened to be the city’s bicentennial (though no one seems to have noticed). About two-thirds of the city was destroyed, including much of the castle, and upwards of 100,000 people died.

Kawasaki was, during the Tokugawa centuries, the second stage from Nihonbashi on the Tōkaidō, the main coastal road to Kyōto. Yokohama was an isolated fishing village that did not really emerge into history until after the visit of Commodore Matthew Perry and his “black ships” in 1853. Though it is not known exactly what stood on the Sumida estuary before 1457, Chiba may be called an older city than Edo-Tokyo: it had a castle from the 12th century.

The Meiji period (1868–19l2)

The population of the city plummeted during the disturbances that made it the capital. By the middle of the Meiji period it had returned to the highest Edo figure, and by the end of the reign it had passed two million. The city limits reached to the Shinagawa post stage on the south but fell short of Shinjuku on the west. On the north they passed a short distance beyond Tokyo Imperial University (now the University of Tokyo), and on the east they stretched a short distance beyond the Sumida. At no point did they reach as far as the boundaries of the urban prefecture.

Ginza, which had not amounted to much during the Tokugawa centuries, was thrust to the fore of “civilization and enlightenment”—by which was meant, essentially, Westernization—by an accident: the great fire of 1872. The rebuilding was in brick, a material not before used by the Japanese. Sometime later the Mitsubishi enterprises set about turning their “meadow,” vacant land within the outer castle moat, into a business centre. This became the Marunouchi district, also largely built of brick. Only fragments of the Ginza “bricktown” and of what came to be called the Mitsubishi “Londontown” survive. Monumental architecture in those years tended toward decorated European styles, though sometimes, as in the Bank of Japan building, Grecian austerity prevailed. Most of the city continued to be wooden, low, and of small units. No specimens of an earlier hybrid style, Western in many of its details but Japanese in its general aspect, survive in the city, but examples may still be found in the provinces.

These were the years of the great national effort—presided over, of course, from Tokyo—to catch up with the world. It was a huge success. By the end of the Meiji period, Japan was an ally of England and had won wars with China and Russia.

The history of Yokohama begins just before Meiji. The Harris Treaty of 1858 provided that Kanagawa was to be among the ports opened to foreign trade. The Japanese quickly began having second thoughts. Kanagawa was a well-trodden place, the third stage from Nihonbashi on the Tōkaidō. This seemed to invite trouble, the situation being one in which Japanese and foreigners could not easily be kept in their places. So Yokohama, a more isolated and easily policed spot, was opened instead. A fishing village, it lay some distance from the Tōkaidō road, beyond the inlet that was to become Yokohama Harbour. By the end of the Meiji it was numbered, along with Tokyo, Ōsaka, Kōbe, Nagoya, and Kyōto, among the large cities of the nation. Japanese demography in those days was somewhat peculiar. There were the six cities just mentioned, no mid-size cities, and a multitude of small cities.

Kawasaki was by the end of the Meiji period already a growing industrial centre. Chiba remained a sleepy country town. Kanagawa is now a part of Yokohama, near the central railway station.

The region since 1912

Neither the earthquake of Sept. 1, 1923, nor the firebombing of March 9–10, 1945, much the most damaging, destroyed as large a part of the city or killed as many people as the fire of 1657. Both were huge disasters all the same, and in both cases the worst damage was in the crowded, flimsily built eastern flatlands. In 1930 a festival was held celebrating complete recovery from the earthquake. It was in a way prophetic, for the dark years of military adventuring lay ahead, and further development of the capital was not a matter of central concern. There was no similar festival after 1945, nor has rebuilding and new building ever come to a halt. The metropolitan region has relentlessly grown and developed.

The Olympic Games of 1964 have been given exaggerated importance as one of the great events in the history of the city and as the equivalent of the 1930 festival. In fact, profits from the Korean War (1950–53) had been put to good use in rebuilding city and country, and, as with the earthquake, recovery from the disaster of 1945 might be put at about a decade after its occurrence. Yet the Olympics without doubt did great things for the morale of city and country. They were the first Asian Olympics, and they marked the return of Japan to international respectability. If much has been built since the war, much has also been destroyed. The last of the Mitsubishi Londontown disappeared. So, too, did Frank Lloyd Wright’s Imperial Hotel, finished just in time to survive the earthquake but not the wrecking ball some four decades later.

Among other notable events since Meiji times have been the expansion of the city in 1932 and the amalgamation of city and prefecture in 1943. The eastern Low City still had some life as recently as the 1930s. Asakusa, by the Sumida, was the busiest of centres for popular entertainment. Now it languishes, and there is no such centre in the flatlands—unless one wishes to count the enormously successful Tokyo Disneyland, built on landfill just inside Chiba prefecture at the Edo River mouth.

Yokohama, being nearer the epicentre of the earthquake, was more grievously damaged than was Tokyo; it was badly damaged again by the bombings. Its past, however, is more of a presence than that of Tokyo. Relics of Meiji, when its history began, are still prominent in the central parts of the city. Coastal Kawasaki continues to be industrial. Both Yokohama and Kawasaki stretch far inland from their coastal origins. The inland parts are residential and largely suburban in character. Efforts by Yokohama since the 1970s to renovate the waterfront area and take on an identity of its own have been more successful than many would have thought possible. The industrialization of Chiba has occurred only since the war. A person dropped off by abductors along the industrial coast of Kanagawa or Chiba prefecture might have trouble knowing which area was which. These coasts started to become even more indistinguishable when Kawasaki and Kisarazu (in Chiba prefecture) were linked by the Trans-Tokyo Bay Highway (or Tokyo Bay Aqualine), construction of which began in 1989 and was completed in 1997.

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