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A tulip (Tulipa) in flower.
plant family
Also known as: lily family
- Related Topics:
- tulip
- lily
- mariposa lily
- fritillary
- Erythronium
Liliaceae, the lily family of the flowering plant order Liliales, with 16 genera and 635 species of herbs and shrubs, native primarily to temperate and subtropical regions. Members of the family usually have six-segmented flowers and three-chambered capsular fruits; occasionally the fruits are berries. The leaves usually have parallel veins and are clustered at the base of the plant but may alternate along the stem or be arranged in whorls. Most species have an underground storage structure, such as a bulb.
The family is important for its many garden ornamentals and houseplants, especially Erythronium, fritillary (Fritillaria), lily (Lilium), and tulip (Tulipa).