Tulips were introduced to Europe from Turkey shortly after 1550. An early recipient of these delicate blooms was the French botanist Carolus Clusius, who was an avid bulb grower and is often attributed with the spread of other spring bulbs, such as hyacinths and irises, across Europe. In the 1590s he established a botanical garden at the University of Leiden and cultivated his precious tulips there. Although the vividly colored flowers were becoming a popular collector's item in parts of Europe, Clusius was not especially quick to share his bulbs but sold them at a very high price. They were his favored objects of study, and he noticed that some tulips would "break" from one season to another, suddenly blooming in exotic streaks or flames of color. Modern science has now attributed this phenomenon to a virus (the Tulip Breaking Virus), but the streaked flowers quickly became a preoccupation for "gentlemen botanists" and aristocrats in the Netherlands. In 1596 and again in 1598, broken tulips were stolen from Clusius's garden, and the genetically variable seeds of those purloined flowers became the foundation for a lively tulip trade.

In the early 1600s the demand for unusual tulips among the wealthy began to exceed the supply, and prices for individual bulbs climbed. Given that the virus responsible for the flowers' intricate colors also weakens the bulbs, the supply of any given broken tulip strain was constantly under gradual decline, thus contributing to the ever-increasing prices. This "Tulip Mania" reached its peak between 1633 and 1637, when the soaring prices induced many middle-class and poor families to also speculate in the tulip market. Homes and businesses were mortgaged so that bulbs could be purchased and then resold at higher prices. Largely based on contracts, these sales and resales were often made many times over without the bulbs ever leaving the ground. One particularly rare and desired strain, known as the Semper Augustus, was beautifully streaked with white and red and is believed to have been the most expensive tulip in the frenzy; it is the subject of several famous Dutch floral masterpieces.

The crash came early in 1637 when many speculators could no longer afford even the cheapest bulbs and doubted whether prices would continue to increase. Almost overnight the price structure for tulips collapsed, leaving many ordinary Dutch families in financial ruin. Today, solid-colored tulips are the most common, though streaked and variegated varieties have been developed through traditional breeding methods. Most of the broken strains that fueled the mania, including the illusory Semper Augustus, have since died out, overcome by the virus that gave them their beauty. Ironically, the cultivation of infected tulips is now illegal in many places, so as to contain the enervating virus.