- Related Topics:
- cactus
- leafy cactus
- rose cactus
Pereskia, genus of 17 species of trees, shrubs, and vines of the cactus family (Cactaceae), native to the West Indies and southeastern South America, especially coastal areas. Unlike most other members of the cactus family, Pereskia species have true leaves. Several species are cultivated as ornamentals.
Members of the genus typically have thin stems and non-succulent leaves. The flowers are commonly showy and roselike in appearance, with numerous stamens and the floral cup that is characteristic of the cactus family. The roots are often fleshy and tuberous. Most species are armed with spines that emerge in clusters from areoles along the stems; some species also feature wool or hairs.
Leafy cactus (P. aculeata), also known as Barbados gooseberry, is cultivated extensively for hedges and for its orange edible fruit. Both P. bleo and P. grandifolia have been used in traditional medicine and show some anticancer potential, though additional studies are needed.