white mustard
- Also known as:
- yellow mustard
- Related Topics:
- mustard
- green manure
white mustard, (Sinapis alba), annual herbaceous plant of the family Brassicaceae grown primarily for its pungent seeds, which are a source of the condiment known as mustard. Native to the Mediterranean region, white mustard has naturalized throughout much of the world and is an agricultural weed and invasive species in some areas outside its native range. White mustard seeds are less intensely flavoured than those of brown mustard (Brassica juncea) and are used in milder American- or German-type mustard pastes. In addition to the use of mustard as a condiment, the plant is also grown as a green manure and fodder crop, and the young seedlings can be eaten fresh as sprouts.
Physical description
White mustard is an erect sparsely branching plant with alternate irregularly lobed leaves. The yellow four-petaled flowers have a fragrance similar to honey and produce large bristly pods that are swollen around the seeds and taper to a point. Each fruit contains up to eight seeds, which are often called “mustard grains.” The globular light yellow seeds are finely pitted and odourless when whole and are about 2.5 mm (0.1 inch) in diameter.
White mustard is grown as a spring-sown crop; the dry seeds are harvested in early autumn. Its production is fully mechanized in the main producing countries. The plants grow rapidly and enter a phase of dense flowering in early summer, reaching their full height of 1.5 to 2 metres (5 to 6.5 feet) as their flowers fade and the fruits appear. White mustard can flourish on many different types of soil, suffers from few insect pests or plant diseases, and can tolerate extremes of weather without serious harm.