artificial intelligence programming language
artificial intelligence programming language, a computer language developed expressly for implementing artificial intelligence (AI) research. In the course of their work on the Logic Theorist and GPS, two early AI programs, Allen Newell and J. Clifford Shaw of the Rand Corporation and Herbert Simon of Carnegie Mellon University developed their Information Processing Language (IPL), a computer language tailored for AI programming. At the heart of IPL was a highly flexible data structure that they called a list. A list is simply an ordered sequence of items of data. Some or all of the items in a list may themselves be lists. This scheme leads to richly branching structures.
In 1960 John McCarthy, a computer scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), combined elements of IPL with the lambda calculus (a formal mathematical-logical system) to produce the programming language LISP (List Processor), which remains the principal language for AI work in the United States. (The lambda calculus itself was invented in 1936 by the Princeton University logician Alonzo Church while he was investigating the abstract Entscheidungsproblem, or “decision problem,” for predicate calculus—the same problem that the British mathematician and logician Alan Turing had been attacking when he invented the universal Turing machine.)
The logic programming language PROLOG (Programmation en Logique) was conceived by Alain Colmerauer at the University of Aix-Marseille, France, where the language was first implemented in 1973. PROLOG was further developed by the logician Robert Kowalski, a member of the AI group at the University of Edinburgh. This language makes use of a powerful theorem-proving technique known as resolution, invented in 1963 at the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission’s Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois by the British logician Alan Robinson. PROLOG can determine whether or not a given statement follows logically from other given statements. For example, given the statements “All logicians are rational” and “Robinson is a logician,” a PROLOG program responds in the affirmative to the query “Robinson is rational?” PROLOG is widely used for AI work, especially in Europe and Japan.
Researchers at the Institute for New Generation Computer Technology in Tokyo have used PROLOG as the basis for sophisticated logic programming languages. Known as fifth-generation languages, these are in use on nonnumerical parallel computers developed at the Institute.
Other recent work includes the development of languages for reasoning about time-dependent data such as “the account was paid yesterday.” These languages are based on tense logic, which permits statements to be located in the flow of time. (Tense logic was invented in 1953 by the philosopher Arthur Prior at the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand.)