Haya, East African people who speak a Bantu language (also called Haya) and inhabit the northwestern corner of Tanzania between the Kagera River and Lake Victoria.
Two main ethnic elements exist in the population—the pastoral Hima, who are probably descendants of wandering Nilotes, and the more agricultural Iru, descendants of the original Bantu. The Haya were traditionally organized in a series of 130 or so patrilineal clans, each having its own totem. They were formerly divided among eight small states, each under a ruler called the mukama. Traditionally, rulers appointed subordinate chiefs and officials from both royal and commoner clans.
The Iru are agriculturists, whereas the Hima subsist almost entirely on the products of their herds. The production of coffee, an indigenous crop, was expanded under German and British administration to make it the major cash crop; the staple food is plantain. The Haya fish extensively.
The Haya traditionally live in a dwelling, peculiar to this region, of beehive shape without walls, thatched from the point of the roof to the ground.