mustache, hair grown on the upper lip. Since antiquity, the wearing of mustaches, like beards, has reflected a wide range of customs, religious beliefs, and personal tastes. It was usual in the past to make no distinction between a mustache and other facial hair such as a beard or whiskers, as these were usually worn together. As early as 2650 bc, however, Egyptian artifacts show a pencil-line mustache with no beard.
Throughout history, controversies have raged over the subject of facial hair. When clean-shaven faces were stylish, mustaches and beards were considered eccentric and often were forced by law to be shaved. The Romans considered the Gauls’ wearing of mustaches with no beards to be the epitome of barbarism. In 1447 an English act was passed forcing men to shave their upper lip, but, some 400 years later, English soldiers were forbidden to shave their upper lip. The French military, the Prussian guard, and the Hussars sported the mustache in the early 19th century, but in 1838 the king of Bavaria forbade the wearing of mustaches in his military. Whenever mustaches have been sanctioned in fashionable circles, they have taken on a variety of forms. Some countries still regulate the wearing of facial hair, usually in the military services; generally, the wearing of a mustache is a matter of personal taste.