Yaunde, a Bantu-speaking people of the hilly area of south-central Cameroon who live in and around the capital city of Yaoundé. The Yaunde and a closely related people, the Eton, comprise the two main subgroups of the Beti, which in turn constitute one of the three major subdivisions of the cluster of peoples in southern Cameroon, mainland Equatorial Guinea, and northern Gabon known as the Fang (q.v.). The other two main subdivisions are those of the Bulu and of the Fang proper, who live mostly in Gabon and in Equatorial Guinea.
Yaunde is a dialect of the Yaunde-Fang group of Bantu languages; people may speak a maternal dialect, such as Eton, but they learn to read and write in Yaunde. Yaunde is also used for commerce and politics in rural areas inhabited by other groups and is especially useful in Yaoundé city, where immigrants from throughout Cameroon and neighbouring countries employ it as a lingua franca. Vocabulary from these other dialects, other nearby languages, and English and French is assimilated into everyday speech.
The Yaunde share a common culture and history with other Beti, and it is often difficult to distinguish them from their neighbours. Beti are said to be the last of several great waves of Fang immigrants who came from somewhere to the northeast perhaps because of pressure from the jihad of the Fulani under Usman dan Fodio. While the Fang proper drove into what is now Gabon, and the Bulu subgroup swept toward the sea, the Beti followed these powerful precursors and occupied lands adjacent to theirs.
The Yaunde live in a region of equatorial forest. They raise staple crops of cassava and corn (maize), which are supplemented with a wide variety of vegetable leaves, palm oil, wild mushrooms, insects, and other gathered products. Yams, plantains, and peanuts (groundnuts) are also important to the Yaunde economy, the latter so much so that the name Éwondo is derived from peanut. Goats and pigs are kept but are used more for ritual feasts than everyday eating. Cacao is an important cash crop, but its cultivation is not as profitable as it is in other areas, because poorer soil and higher population density reduce the land area available for plantations. Rural Yaunde, as a consequence, are less wealthy than some of their neighbours. In general, Yaunde are more often labourers in urban centres than are individuals from the richer, cacao-producing regions.
The Yaunde, like the Bulu and other Fang, had only a loose political organization prior to European conquest, and their society remains essentially egalitarian. The essential units of Yaunde society are genealogically related clans determined through patrilineal descent; lineage groups within those clans; and the larger entities of the tribes, which are loosely cohering clusters of clans. The age groups into which Yaunde society was also divided have decreased in importance in recent years. Most rural Yaunde continue to live in small clusters of adjacent homesteads (with populations rarely exceeding 300 or 400 people) rather than in compact villages.