Film Buff
- Question: What was the first feature-length motion picture with sound?
- Answer: The Jazz Singer, starring the popular singer Al Jolson, was the first feature-length motion picture with sound.
- Question: Which movie features ruby slippers?
- Answer: Dorothy, the heroine of The Wizard of Oz, wears ruby slippers, which she clicks together to travel home.
- Question: Which of these people is not involved in making films?
- Answer: A proctor administers educational examinations. The other figures have important roles in filmmaking.
- Question: In which Vietnam War film does a character say, "I love the smell of napalm in the morning"?
- Answer: In Apocalypse Now, a mad colonel played by Robert Duvall says, "I love the smell of napalm in the morning."
- Question: Which film won the first best picture prize at the Academy Awards, in 1929?
- Answer: Wings, about aviators in World War I, won the first best picture prize offered by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.
- Question: In what country was The Lord of the Rings trilogy filmed?
- Answer: The Lord of the Rings was filmed in New Zealand, home of director Peter Jackson.
- Question: Which of these films did not star the Beatles?
- Answer: Woodstock, filmed by Martin Scorsese, featured many musical acts—but not The Beatles.
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