Vegetable Medley
- Question: Which of these is not a relative of the beet?
- Answer: The beet is a root vegetable native to the Mediterranean region, as are its relatives. The potato is a tuber native to South America.
- Question: What vitamin are leafy green vegetables rich in?
- Answer: Leafy green vegetables are rich in vitamin K, which is essential for helping blood to clot.
- Question: What vegetable is usually used to make coleslaw?
- Answer: Coleslaw comes from the Dutch words meaning "cabbage salad." It is usually made from green cabbage.
- Question: Which of these is a cruciferous vegetable?
- Answer: Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable, along with other cabbages and radishes. Cruciferous vegetables help us maintain healthy immune systems.
- Question: Which of these is a kind of vegetable?
- Answer: Okra is a tall plant whose sticky green pods are eaten, often in soups and stews.
- Question: The tomato is classified as a:
- Answer: The tomato is commonly mistaken for a vegetable. Technically, a tomato is a fruit.
- Question: What is responsible for the green color of leafy vegetables such as lettuce?
- Answer: Chlorophyll gives leafy vegetables, and many other plants, their green color.
- Question: Which of these is not a leafy vegetable?
- Answer: Pepperoncini are hot little chiles, usually pickled, served on salads and sandwiches.
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