In addition to clastic wedges closely linked to a land source, Silurian shales also formed on continental platform margins, as in the nearly 500 metres (1,640 feet) of strata belonging to the Road River Group in the Canadian Yukon. Based on sections in the Mackenzie Mountains, a distance of only one to a few kilometres separated the edge of a shallow-water carbonate platform from the deepwater shales of the basin. Submarine avalanches (turbidity flows) brought the 1,200 to 1,500 metres (approximately 3,900 to 4,900 feet) of interbedded shales and fine sandstones constituting the Aberystwyth Grit Formation to a deepwater basinal setting in west-central Wales. Less commonly, Silurian shales passively accumulated in broad platform settings. The Longmaqi Formation of the Yangtze platform in South China is one such shale body, which indicates the base of the Silurian System throughout parts of Yunnan, Sichuan, Shaanxi, Hubei, Hunan, and Guizhou provinces. As much as 500 metres (1,640 feet) thick in places, these shales developed in quiet waters with low dissolved oxygen content. Similar conditions prevailed during early Silurian times well within Baltica, including southern Sweden and Denmark. The importance of the Qalibah Formation as a widespread anoxic black shale (that is, an organic-rich shale formed under low oxygen conditions) in Saudi Arabia is tied to petroleum production.
Silurian sandstones and shales rest directly on Upper Ordovician tillites—masses of sedimentary rock made up of unweathered material and glacial till—in Saudi Arabia (Tabuk Formation) and throughout large parts of North Africa. In South America, which was fused with Africa during the Silurian Period, glaciation persisted well into the Wenlock Epoch. The Cancaniri Formation, including a prominent segment 60 metres (about 200 feet) thick that bears the Zapla Tillite, extends 1,500 km (about 930 miles) from northern Argentina over the Andes Mountains across Bolivia to Peru. Alpine glaciers advanced from high elevations down to tidewater areas to deposit these layers, including faceted and glacially striated boulders 1.5 metres (about 5 feet) in diameter. Similarly, the widespread Lower Silurian Nhamunda Formation in the Amazon region of Brazil includes diamictite (a non-sorted conglomerate made up clastic material) beds consisting of highly diverse clastics related to tillites.
Volcanic rocks
Examples of rocks used to make absolute age determinations for the Silurian Period include a volcanic breccia dating back to the Llandovery Epoch from the Descon Formation on Esquibel Island in Alaska, ash beds (bentonites) from the Buildwas Formation at the base of the Wenlock Series and the Ludlow Elton Formation in Shropshire, Eng., and the Laidlaw Volcanics of the Ludlow Series near Canberra, Australia. Compared with other time periods, the Silurian Period was relatively quiet in terms of volcanic activity. Moderate activity in those parts of the British Isles, the Canadian Maritimes, and coastal New England is collectively attributed to the appending of Avalonia to Baltica. Approximately 1,000 metres (about 3,300 feet) of basalt flows belonging to the Skomer Volcanics in southwestern Wales are dated to the Llandovery Epoch. Rhyolite and andesite lavas were extruded in the area of the English Mendip Hills during Wenlock time. Basalts, rhyolites, and porphyritic andesites from the Newbery Volcanics in northeastern Massachusetts were formed during the Pridoli Epoch. Rhyolitic and andesitic flows of Silurian age also are known in the region of Passamaquoddy Bay in Maine, as are volcanic flows and breccias in adjacent New Brunswick. A Silurian chain of volcanic islands stood off the Laurentian craton, stretching from the Klamath Mountains of northern California to Alaska. Likewise, andesitic and basaltic sites of volcanism stretched along the edge of Baltica, as framed by the Ural Mountains.
The most extensive Silurian volcanism occurred in eastern Australia, principally in New South Wales but also in Victoria and Queensland. Activity was initiated during early Wenlock time with the Paddys River and Uriarra volcanic events. This was expanded during the Ludlow Epoch with the Laidlaw, Mineral Hill, Bennetts Creek, Mullions Range, and Bells Creek volcanics and concluded during Pridoli time with the Bombay Creek and Woodlawn volcanics and the Currawan Basalt event. Most of this volcanic activity took place in terrestrial environments. In New South Wales more than 200 intrusive granitic bodies of the late Silurian or early Devonian are geochemically linked to these silica-rich volcanics, but their precise age is difficult to establish.