acceleration stress
acceleration stress, physiological changes that occur in the human body in motion as a result of rapid increase of speed. Rapid acceleration and surges in acceleration are felt more critically than are gradual shifts. Pilots are especially subject to the effects of acceleration because of the high speeds at which they travel. Acceleration forces are measured in units of gravitational acceleration, or g. A force of 3 g, for example, is equivalent to an acceleration three times that of a body falling near Earth.
Three kinds of acceleration stress are distinguished—positive, negative, and transverse—according to the position of the body with relation to the direction of acceleration.
Positive acceleration stress
Positive acceleration stress occurs when the direction of acceleration is along the long axis of the body from head to foot. As acceleration increases the force exerted on the pilot from 1 g to 2 g, there is an awareness of increased pressure and a general feeling of heaviness in the seat, hands, and feet. Three and 4 g further increase this sensation, and movement of the extremities becomes difficult; unless the trunk and head are supported, it may be difficult to keep them erect. The internal organs are pulled down in the body cavity, and blood pressure falls. Eyesight may become limited, or there may be total blackout. The legs may feel congested and may have muscle cramps. Breathing may become difficult. If the acceleration is uneven or if the pilot is inexperienced, there may be mental confusion and disorientation. Unconsciousness can occur when the force exerted is from 3 to 5 g.

When acceleration is in the direction from head to feet, the blood is forced to the lower part of the body, and unconsciousness occurs when the brain fails to receive enough oxygen. Increased pressure in the extremities can cause rupture of the small blood vessels of the skin. The more gradual the acceleration, the less will be the fall in blood pressure, since the circulatory system is capable of making adjustments; however, it takes about five seconds before this mechanism becomes fully activated.
There are seldom any aftereffects of acceleration in the direction from head to feet except for a few moments of mental confusion. There is usually no pain, though there may be some discomfort. Repeated exposures to such acceleration do not usually have permanent effects.
Negative acceleration stress
Negative acceleration stress occurs when the direction of acceleration is from feet to head. This causes a slight displacement of the internal organs in the abdomen and chest and a rush of blood to the face accompanied by the feeling of congestion. As the acceleration increases, the congestion increases and throbbing pains are felt throughout the head. When the force is from 3 to 4.5 g, the eyes feel as though they are protruding, and there is a gritty feeling under the eyelids because of swelling in the small blood vessels. There may be temporary loss of vision, or all objects may appear red; this latter condition is known as “red-out.” The mental confusion that develops at high accelerations may lead to unconsciousness.
In acceleration in the direction from feet to head, the blood pressure in the skull rises. In order to relieve the pressure in the skull, the velocity of the blood flow to the rest of the body must be increased. Temporary cardiac arrest may occur at around 5 g. Respiration is also impaired because of the pressure upon the lungs from the abdominal contents and the muscular diaphragm (the wall between the chest and the abdomen). Bleeding can occur under the skin of the face; weak arteries or veins in the head region can rupture while under such stress. The average endurable times for negative stress are a few seconds at 5 g, 15 seconds for 4.5 g, and around 30 seconds for 3 g. Stunt fliers and pilots experienced with accelerations in the direction from feet to head seem to tolerate its effects better than new or inexperienced fliers.
Transverse acceleration stress
Transverse acceleration stress occurs when the direction of acceleration is sideways with relation to the long axis of the body. The effects of transverse acceleration are not as great as those of equivalent forces in the previous two cases. Thus, the position in which a pilot lies on his back at right angles to the direction of flight seems to be best for the high accelerations required to reach orbital velocity and reentry decelerations in manned space flight. (Space shuttle launches typically have a maximum acceleration of 3 g.) Accelerations up to 6 g directed across the body produce only the sensations of increased pressure on that part of the body that supports the weight. As the force increases toward 8 g, breathing may become difficult because of the compression of the abdomen and chest. Accelerations of up to 12 g can be tolerated in transverse acceleration without undue discomfort or visual disorders. There may, however, be a slight increase in heart rate and blood pressure, and the blood oxygenation level seems to decrease with pressure.