The various treatments of alcoholism can be classified as physiological, psychological, and social. Many physiological treatments are given as adjuncts to psychological methods, but sometimes they are applied in “pure” form, without conscious psychotherapeutic intent.
Physiological therapies
The most important physiological medical treatment is detoxification—the safe withdrawal of the patient from alcohol, usually in a hospital setting. This process prevents life-threatening delirium tremens and also provides attention to neglected medical conditions. In addition, sophisticated hospital detoxification programs also provide patients and their families hope for recovery and begin the alcoholic’s education in relapse prevention. As is the case with smoking cessation, relapse prevention is critical.
One of the popular modern drug treatments of alcoholism, initiated in 1948 by Erik Jacobsen of Denmark, uses disulfiram (tetraethylthiuram disulfide, known by the trade name Antabuse). Normally, as alcohol is converted to acetaldehyde, the latter is rapidly converted, in turn, to harmless metabolites. However, in the presence of disulfiram—itself harmless—the metabolism of acetaldehyde is blocked. The resulting accumulation of the highly toxic acetaldehyde results in such symptoms as flushing, nausea, vomiting, a sudden sharp drop of blood pressure, pounding of the heart, and even a feeling of impending death. The usual technique is to administer one-half gram of disulfiram in tablet form daily for a few days; then, under carefully controlled conditions and with medical supervision, the patient is given a small test drink of an alcoholic beverage. The patient then experiences symptoms that dramatically show the danger of attempting to drink while under disulfiram medication. A smaller daily dose of disulfiram is prescribed, and the dread of the consequences of drinking acts as a “chemical fence” to prevent the patient from drinking as long as he or she continues taking the drug. Other, less scientific physical and drug therapies that have been tried in the treatment of alcoholics include apomorphine, niacin, LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), antihistaminic agents, and many tranquilizing and energizing drugs. More recently, antidepressants and mood stabilizers (e.g., lithium) have been tried. In controlled studies of more than a year, however, none of these treatments, including disulfiram, has been shown more effective than a placebo in preventing relapse to alcohol abuse.
Most recently, naltrexone (an opiate antagonist) and acamprosate, or calcium acetylhomotaurinate (a modulator of gamma-aminobutyric acid [GABA] and N-methyl-D-aspartate [NMDA] receptors), have, like disulfiram, been effective in reducing relapse over periods up to a year. But there is no evidence that either of these agents reduces the risk of relapse over the long-term.
Psychological therapies
Psychotherapy employs an entire range of strategies, including individual and group techniques, to treat the psychoneuroses and character disorders associated with alcoholism. The aim varies from eliminating underlying putative psychological causes to effecting just enough shift in the patient’s emotional and volitional state so that he or she can abstain from drink entirely or only drink in moderation. Psychoanalysis is rarely tried, having shown little success in treating alcoholism. Analytically oriented and cognitive-behavioral therapies are more common, often in conjunction with supportive aims. Unfortunately, as with pharmacotherapy, the effects of most psychotherapies upon alcoholism are impressive mainly over the short term.
In the 1990s a promising psychological technique sometimes called “motivational interviewing” was developed specifically for alcoholism and consists of identifying a patient’s motivation for change. The patient first learns to recognize his or her loss of control over alcohol and the deleteriousness of the situation in order to develop a wish and a hope for change. Only then is the patient likely to become actively engaged in the process of change.
With alcoholics, group therapies are often regarded as more effective than individual treatment. Such group therapies range from instructional lectures and superficial discussions to deep analytic explorations, psychodrama, hypnosis, psychodynamic confrontation, and marathon sessions. Mechanical aids include didactic motion pictures, movies of the patients while intoxicated, and recordings of previous sessions. Many institutional programs rely on a “total-push approach,” in which the patient is bombarded with multiple methods of treatment with the hope that one or more methods will affect the patient favourably. Other institutional programs rely on merely removing the patient from a stressful outside environment, with a period of enforced abstinence. The therapists may be psychoanalysts, psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, pastoral counselors, social workers, nurses, police or parole officers, or lay counselors—the latter often being former alcoholics with special training. Careful, controlled, long-term studies of institutional programs have not shown intensive inpatient therapies to be superior to much briefer outpatient interventions. However, brief outpatient interventions are most successful when the process of addiction is still in very early stages. Treatments have been developed for spouses and occasionally for whole families, either separately or jointly, in recognition of the fact that in alcoholism the “patient” is not just the alcoholic but also the family.
Over the past few decades, psychologists have repeatedly tried to develop cognitive-behavioral techniques for teaching a problem drinker how to return to controlled drinking. In early stages of problem drinking, before plasticity regarding choice has been lost and physiological dependence initiated, brief interventions that help pre-alcoholics to become conscious of how much they drink, of the risks involved, and of the regret they experience after heavy drinking have been helpful in reducing consumption to safe amounts. These techniques have been repeatedly proved effective and inexpensive. However, once sustained loss of control is established and once plasticity of choice has been lost—a characteristic of most individuals who receive a diagnosis of alcoholism—efforts to teach ways to return to moderate drinking have proved difficult. Long-term studies have consistently demonstrated that once the patient’s own voluntary efforts to cut down on drinking have repeatedly failed, sustained abstinence is the practical answer.
The treatment of diabetes provides a helpful analogy to why most professional treatment of alcoholism has enjoyed only limited success. In diabetes, as in alcoholism, medical intervention is often life-saving, but successful long-term treatment of diabetes depends not upon elaborate medical intervention but upon strict self-care (diet and self-administration of insulin) to prevent relapse. The same principles apply to alcoholism.