biological productivity

Also known as: organic productivity

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  • flow of energy
  • measurement of biomass
    • biomass
      In biomass

      …called the primary or secondary productivity (the former for plants, the latter for animals), is usually measured in units of energy, such as gram calories or kilojoules per square metre per year. Measures of weight—e.g., tons of carbon per square kilometre per year or gigatons of carbon per year—are also…

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      • estuaries
        • Four main types of estuaries: (A) salt wedge estuary, (B) partially mixed estuary, (C) vertically homogeneous estuary, and (D) fjord (black arrows indicate salt water and white arrows fresh).
          In estuary: Primary productivity

          The high level of plant production in estuaries supports a correspondingly high level of production of invertebrate animals and fish. Estuaries often contain beds of shellfish such as mussels and oysters and large populations of shrimps and crabs. Fish such as plaice and flounders

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      • inland waters
        • pure water and temperature
          In inland water ecosystem: Biological productivity

          Central to all biological activity within inland aquatic ecosystems is biological productivity or aquatic production. This involves two main processes: (1) primary production, in which living organisms form energy-rich organic material (biomass) from energy-poor inorganic materials in the environment through photosynthesis, and (2)…

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      • marine waters
        • ocean zonation
          In marine ecosystem: Biological productivity

          Primary productivity is the rate at which energy is converted by photosynthetic and chemosynthetic autotrophs to organic substances. The total amount of productivity in a region or system is gross primary productivity. A certain amount of organic material is used to sustain the…

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        • deserts
          • sand dunes
            In desert: Biological productivity

            In the highly stressful desert environment, productivity is generally very low; however, it is also highly variable from time to time and from place to place. (For a full discussion of productivity, see biosphere: Resources of the biosphere.)

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        • grasslands
          • Buffalo Gap National Grassland
            In grassland: Biological productivity

            Because of its importance for grazing and other grassland agricultural production, grassland productivity has been extensively investigated using various methods. However, most studies have focused only on aboveground productivity, ignoring the important subterranean component, which can be much more substantial—as much as 10…

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        • mountain lands
          • Figure 1: Worldwide distribution of mountain lands.
            In mountain ecosystem: Biological productivity

            As stressful habitats for plants, mountain lands are not very productive environments. The biomass (dry weight of organic matter in an area) of the alpine vegetation on high temperate mountains, however, may be greater than it first appears because more than 10 times…

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        • savannas
          • Serengeti Plain
            In savanna: Biological productivity

            Savannas have relatively high levels of net primary productivity compared with the actual biomass (dry mass of organic matter) of the vegetation at any one time. (For a full discussion of productivity, see biosphere: The photosynthetic process.) Most of this productivity is concentrated…

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        • scrublands
          • scrubland
            In scrubland: Biological productivity

            Scrublands typically grow under conditions of high environmental stress. The typical climatic environment experienced by scrublands includes long periods of hot, dry weather in which lack of moisture is a limiting factor for plant growth. Furthermore, soil nutrient levels typically are very low.…

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        • temperate deciduous forests
          • temperate forest distribution
            In temperate forest: Biological productivity

            The total aboveground biomass (dry weight of organic matter in an area) for temperate deciduous forests is typically 150 to 300 metric tons per hectare; values for temperate broad-leaved forests are generally higher, and those for sclerophyllous forests are lower. The subterranean component…

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        • tropical rainforests
          • Ecuador: rainforest
            In tropical rainforest: Biological productivity

            Of all vegetation types, tropical rainforests grow in climatic conditions that are least limiting to plant growth. It is to be expected that the growth and productivity (total amount of organic matter produced per unit area per unit time) of tropical rainforests would…

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        • tundras
          • tundra
            In tundra: Biological productivity

            An important measure of natural ecosystems is the biological production of its plants and animals—that is, the total amount of biomass produced by living organisms within a given area in a specific period of time. In polar regions the greatest biological production occurs…

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