Medical methods
- Key People:
- Charles Knowlton
- Related Topics:
- abortion
- contraception
- sterilization
- oral contraceptive
- condom
- On the Web:
- Mayo Clinic - Birth control basics (Dec. 31, 2024)
Hormonal contraceptives
Hormonal contraceptives use artificially synthesized derivatives of the natural steroid hormones estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen is responsible for the growth of the lining of the womb (endometrium), which occurs early in the menstrual cycle. Progesterone is produced in the second half of the cycle and in great quantities in pregnancy. It makes the mucus in the lower part of the reproductive tract resistant to the ascent of sperm and also alters the lining of the womb. Both hormones cause changes in the breasts and elsewhere in the body. They act on the base of the brain and the associated pituitary gland. This gland, in turn, secretes hormones (gonadotropins) that regulate the production of estrogens and progesterone by the ovaries.
Most oral contraceptives contain a combination of estrogen and progesterone. The combination, like the hormone balance of normal pregnancy, prevents the release of eggs from the ovaries. A minority of pills contain only a progestogen (a progestational steroid) and act mainly by causing changes in the mucus that prevent the ascent of sperm. In different doses, combination pills and certain other hormonal preparations can be used after coitus. They prevent pregnancy up to two or three days after the fertilizing intercourse, primarily by rendering the lining of the womb unsuitable for the attachment (implantation) of a fertilized egg.
More than 300 million women use oral contraceptives or have used them in the past. In many countries pills are widely distributed by community workers and through pharmacies, without direct medical supervision. Injectable contraceptives are registered for use in many countries, including many less-developed countries, the United Kingdom, Sweden, and New Zealand. The injectable preparation Depo-Provera has had a particularly controversial history, having been referred for further study by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 1974, 1978, and 1984. Other forms of hormonal contraception include subdermal implants and intravaginal rings (which slowly release hormones for absorption through the vaginal wall). In some places a once-a-month pill is available.
Hormonal contraceptives were slow to be developed in the 20th century, and they were sometimes misunderstood by physicians and were often the centre of the news media’s attention. They also were alternately oversold and overcriticized. Nevertheless they have wrought a medical and social revolution. They are remarkably effective, cheap to manufacture, and relatively simple to use. But as methods that imitate, albeit imperfectly, the menstrual cycle and some of the changes normally occurring in pregnancy, they are responsible for a wide range of good and bad changes in the body.
As noted, the principle of hormonal contraception was understood in the 1920s, but it was 30 years before the drive of Margaret Sanger (then more than 70 years old) and the philanthropy of Mrs. Page McCormick were to draw the first oral contraceptive preparations from somewhat reluctant scientists and physicians. The first clinical report of the use of oral steroid hormones to suppress ovulation was published by Gregory Pincus and John Rock from Boston in 1956. The approval of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration was granted in 1960, and marketing of the preparations in Britain began two years later. When oral contraceptives are used correctly, fewer than one woman in 100 per year of use will conceive an unintended pregnancy. A woman’s menstrual cycle is more regular when she uses the pill, and users tend to be less anemic than nonusers. Immediate adverse side effects can include nausea, breast tenderness, headaches, and weight gain. But it was only after the first few million women had used the method for some years that important but rare side effects began to be reliably documented and accurately measured. Predictably adverse conditions leading to death or serious disease were discovered before a number of beneficial, and even lifesaving, effects were demonstrated. The order of these discoveries, together with the perceived social impact of the method, probably accounts for much of the controversy that has surrounded and continues to surround oral contraceptives.
Large-scale epidemiological research involving tens of thousands of women has demonstrated that users of the pill are more likely than nonusers to suffer from heart attacks, strokes, and blood clots in the veins. These effects are extremely rare in younger women, but occurrence is multiplied several times in all age groups among users who smoke. Users of oral contraceptives are less likely than nonusers to develop ovarian cancer or uterine cancer. Use reduces the chance of benign breast disease but neither protects against nor causes breast cancer. The risk of pelvic infection is approximately halved among users. Fertility returns, usually within several months, after discontinuing use, and, while some artificial steroids in high doses can damage the fetus, there is no consistent evidence that oral contraceptives cause congenital abnormalities.
It is difficult to balance the list of the oral contraceptive’s risks and benefits, some of which (such as the small risk of heart disease) appear when use begins while others (such as protection against certain forms of cancer) only develop after several years of use but persist even after use has stopped. Overall, taking all known risks and benefits into account, the average woman in a Western country actually increases her life expectancy by a small but calculable amount if she uses oral contraceptives, while the older woman, especially if she smokes, is at a small but measurably higher risk of death. In Western countries women over 40 and those over 35 who smoke are usually advised to use another method of birth control. Among women in less-developed countries the risks of death from childbirth remain many times greater, and, although oral contraception has not been as closely studied in such settings, the advantages of its use are almost certainly correspondingly greater.