When an element exists in more than one crystalline form, those forms are called allotropes; the two most common allotropes of carbon are diamond and graphite. The crystal structure of diamond is an infinite three-dimensional array of carbon atoms, each of which forms a structure in which each of the bonds makes equal angles with its neighbours. If the ends of the bonds are connected, the structure is that of a tetrahedron, a three-sided pyramid of four faces (including the base). Every carbon atom is covalently bonded at the four corners of the tetrahedron to four other carbon atoms. The distance between carbon atoms along the bond is 1.54 × 10−8 cm, and this is called the single-bond length. The space lattice of the diamond can be visualized as carbon atoms in puckered hexagonal (six-sided) rings that lie roughly in one plane, the natural cleavage plane of the crystal; and these sheets of hexagonal, puckered rings are stacked in such a way that the atoms in every fourth layer lie in the same position as those in the first layer. The layer arrangement sequence is thus ABCABCA…. Such a crystal structure can be destroyed only by the rupture of many strong bonds. Thus, the extreme hardness, the high sublimation temperature, the presumed extremely high melting point (extrapolated from known behaviour), and the reduced chemical reactivity and insulating properties are all reasonable consequences of the crystal structure. Because of both the sense and the direction of the tetrahedral axis, four spatial orientations of carbon atoms exist, leading to two tetrahedral and two octahedral (eight-faced) forms of diamond.
The crystal structure of graphite amounts to a parallel stacking of layers of carbon atoms. Within each layer the carbon atoms lie in fused hexagonal rings that extend infinitely in two dimensions. The stacking pattern of the layers is ABABA…; that is, each layer separates two identically oriented layers. Within each layer the carbon–carbon bond distance is 1.42 × 10−8 cm, which is intermediate between the single bond and double (1.33 × 10−8 cm) bond distances. All carbon–carbon bonds within a layer are the same (an observation that is interpreted in terms of complete π-bonding). The interlayer distance (3.37 × 10−8 cm) is sufficiently large to preclude localized bonding between the layers; the bonding between layers is probably by van der Waals interaction (i.e., the result of attraction between electrons of one carbon atom and the nuclei of neighbouring atoms). Ready cleavage, as compared with diamond, and electrical conductivity are consequences of the crystal structure of graphite. Other related properties are softness and lubricity (smoothness, slipperiness). A less common form of graphite, which occurs in nature, is based upon an ABCABCA… stacking, in which every fourth layer is the same. The amorphous varieties of carbon are based upon microcrystalline forms of graphite. The individual layers of carbon in graphite are called graphene, which was successfully isolated in single-layer form in 2004 by physicists Konstantin Novoselov and Andre Geim. (They received the 2010 Nobel Prize in Physics for their work.)
The greater degree of compactness in the diamond structure as compared with graphite suggests that by the application of sufficient pressure on graphite it should be converted to diamond. At room temperature and atmospheric pressure, diamond is actually less stable than graphite. The rate of conversion of diamond to graphite is so slow, however, that a diamond persists in its crystal form indefinitely. As temperature rises, the rate of conversion to graphite increases substantially, and at high temperatures it becomes (thermodynamically) favourable if the pressure is sufficiently high. At the same time, however, the rate of conversion decreases as the (thermodynamic) favourability increases. Thus, pure graphite does not yield diamond when heated under high pressure, and it appears that direct deformation of the graphite structure to the diamond structure in the solid state is not feasible. The occurrence of diamonds in iron–magnesium silicates in the volcanic structures called pipes and in iron–nickel and iron sulfide phases in meteorites suggests that they were formed by dissolution of carbon in those compounds and subsequent crystallization from them in the molten state at temperatures and pressures favourable to diamond stability. The successful synthesis of diamond is based upon this principle.
The crystal structure of graphite is of a kind that permits the formation of many compounds, called lamellar or intercalation compounds, by penetration of molecules or ions. Graphitic oxide and graphitic fluoride are nonconducting lamellar substances not obtained in true molecular forms that can be reproduced, but their formulas do approximate, respectively, the compositions of carbon dioxide and carbon monofluoride.
Nuclear properties
Carbon has two stable isotopes, carbon-12 (which makes up 98.93 percent of natural carbon) and carbon-13 (1.07 percent); 14 radioactive isotopes are known, of which the longest-lived is carbon-14, which has a half-life of 5,730 ± 40 years.
The notation used for the nucleus of atoms places the atomic mass as a presuperscript to the symbol of the element and the atomic number as a presubscript; thus, the isotope carbon-12 is symbolized 126C. Of the stable nuclides, the isotope carbon-13 is of particular interest in that its nuclear spin imparts response in a device called a nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer, which is useful when investigating the molecular structures of covalently bonded compounds containing carbon. This isotope is also useful as a label in compounds that are to be analyzed by mass spectrometry, another device that is used extensively to identify atoms and molecules. Of the unstable nuclides, only carbon-14 is of sufficiently long half-life to be important. It is formed by the interaction of neutrons, produced by cosmic radiation, with nitrogen (N) in the atmosphere in a reaction that may be written as follows (neutron is symbolized as 10n, the nitrogen atom as 147N, and a hydrogen nucleus, or proton, as 11H):
The carbon-14 atoms from this reaction are converted to carbon dioxide by reaction with atmospheric oxygen and mixed and uniformly distributed with the carbon dioxide containing stable carbon-12. Living organisms use atmospheric carbon dioxide, whether with stable or radioactive carbon, through processes of photosynthesis and respiration, and thus their systems contain the constant ratio of carbon-12 to carbon-14 that exists in the atmosphere.
Death of an organism terminates this equilibration process; no fresh carbon dioxide is added to the dead substance. The carbon-14 present in the dead substance decays in accordance with its 5,730-year (± 40 years) half-life, while the carbon-12 remains what it was at death. Measurement of the carbon-14 activity at a given time thus allows calculation of the time elapsed after the death of the organism. Measurement of the carbon-14 activity in a cypress beam in the tomb of the Egyptian Pharaoh Snefru, for example, established the date of the tomb as circa 2600 bce. Many other items of archaeological significance have been dated similarly (see carbon-14 dating).
The nuclides carbon-12 and carbon-13 are of importance in the CNO cycle of energy creation in certain stars. The cycle can be summarized in terms of nuclear equations, the separate steps being:
Summation of the equations allows the fusion process to be written as a reaction among four atoms of hydrogen to yield one atom of helium (He), two positrons (0+1e), and energy:
this equation does not show that the process uses up and regenerates the carbon-12. In a sense, carbon acts as a catalyst for this mode of converting mass to energy.