Classification of catalysts
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- Mustansiriyah University - Catalysis (PDF) (Mar. 06, 2025)
Catalysts may be classified generally according to their physical state, their chemical nature, or the nature of the reactions that they catalyze.
Catalysts may be gases, liquids, or solids. In homogeneous catalysis, the catalyst is molecularly dispersed in the same phase (usually gaseous or liquid) as the reactants. In heterogeneous catalysis the reactants and the catalyst are in different phases, separated by a phase boundary. Most commonly, heterogeneous catalysts are solids, and the reactants are gases or liquids.
Homogeneous catalysis
When the catalyst and the reacting substances are present together in a single state of matter, usually as a gas or a liquid, it is customary to classify the reactions as cases of homogeneous catalysis. Oxides of nitrogen serve as catalysts for the oxidation of sulfur dioxide in the lead chamber process for producing sulfuric acid, an instance of homogeneous catalysis in which the catalyst and reactants are gases. Traces of water vapour catalyze some gas reactions—for example, the interaction of carbon monoxide and oxygen, which proceeds only slowly in dry conditions. Sulfuric acid used as a catalyst for the formation of diethyl ether from ethyl alcohol is an example of homogeneous catalysis in the liquid phase (when the products, water and ether, are continuously removed by distillation); by this method, considerable quantities of alcohol can be converted to ether with a single charge of sulfuric acid. The inversion of cane sugar and the hydrolysis of esters by acid solutions also are examples of homogeneous catalysis in the liquid phase.
The oxidation of sodium sulfite solutions by dissolved oxygen is greatly accelerated by minute traces of copper ions in the homogeneous liquid system. This system is of special interest since it has been shown that the process is a chain reaction. In this case many thousands of molecules of sodium sulfite can be oxidized to sulfate if the initial activation process is produced by absorption of a limited number of quanta (discrete energy measures) of light. The best example of a light-initiated chain reaction is the photocombination of hydrogen (H2) and chlorine (Cl2); as many as one million molecules of hydrogen chloride can be formed by absorption of a single light quantum (designated hν). Here the sequence of reaction is
with reactions 2 and 3 repeated over and over again. It is of interest to note that such chain reactions can be retarded by the presence of negative catalysts, more commonly termed inhibitors. These are materials that slow down the overall reaction by shortening the reaction chains, generally by entering into a non-chain reaction with one of the chemical components that maintain the chain. A wide variety of substances—including alcohols, sugars, and phenols—have been found to act as inhibitors of the oxidation of sulfite solutions.
A generalized treatment of homogeneous catalysis by acids and bases was given by the Danish physical chemist J.N. Brønsted in the mid-1920s on the basis of his concept of acids and bases. According to Brønsted, an acid is a molecule that can furnish a proton, and a base is a molecule that takes up a proton. On this assumption, the range of acids includes such varied materials as bisulfate ion, HSO4−; acetic acid, CH3COOH; water, H2O; hydronium ion, H3O+; and ammonium ion, NH4+. The corresponding bases are sulfate ion, SO42−; acetate ion, CH3COO−; hydroxide ion, OH−; water, H2O; and ammonia, NH3 (these substances accept protons to yield the listed acids). Brønsted studied a number of acid- and base-catalyzed reactions, including (1) the acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of an ester, ethyl orthoacetate, (2) the basic catalysis of nitramide decomposition (H2N–NO2→ H2O + N2O), and (3) the acid-base catalysis of the conversion (mutarotation) of glucose to a closely related form. In each case, he observed a direct relationship between the velocity of the catalyzed reaction and the concentration of the catalyzing substance.
Based in part on the ideas of Brønsted, a general scheme for a change of a substance A to another substance B catalyzed by a material C can be formulated thus:
The designation Z refers to an intermediate stage, which is formed with a velocity indicated by k1; Z can disappear either to reform A + C, with a velocity k2, or it can decompose by path 2, with velocity k3, to give the product B and regenerate the catalyst C. If k3 is much greater than k2, the intermediate Z is used up almost as quickly as it is formed. The product will then be formed at a rate governed by the expression k1[A][C], in which the square brackets indicate concentrations of reactant and catalyst. If k2 is much larger than k3, however, the velocity-determining process is the decomposition of Z, the rate of formation of the product being represented by the expression k3[Z], in which [Z] is the concentration of the intermediate. Examples of both types of change have been studied.
In certain instances two or more catalysts present at the same time produce effects greater than either would produce alone. It is then customary to speak of promoter action. Thus, iron ions in solution fortify the action of copper ions in catalyzing a reaction between hydrogen peroxide and iodine. It is assumed that each catalyst activates only one of the reactants.
The most important modern examples of homogeneous catalyses are found in the petrochemical industry. The oxo reaction is one such process: carbon monoxide and hydrogen are added to olefins (unsaturated hydrocarbons) at around 150 °C (300 °F) and 200 atmospheres of pressure to form aldehydes and alcohols, oxygen-containing organic compounds. A cobalt carbonyl catalyst Co2(CO)8 is employed; this hydrocarbon-soluble catalyst is believed to activate hydrogen by formation of HCo(CO)4, which then reacts with the olefin. This reaction has led to a number of studies of organometallic chemistry. Copper, silver, and mercury cations (positively charged ions) and permanganate anions (negative ions) also are known to act as homogeneous catalysts for hydrogen activation. Palladium chloride is employed industrially in the catalytic oxidation of ethylene to acetaldehyde in the presence of cupric chloride. The palladium is presumed to be repeatedly converted from the salt to the free metal, the function of the cupric chloride being to participate in the re-formation of the palladium salt from the metal.
Phosphoric, sulfuric, sulfonic, and hydrobromic acids are important agents in the industrial processes of isomerization, polymerization, hydration, and dehydration, as well as in the classic esterification reactions. Free radicals (molecular fragments bearing unpaired electrons) that are generated by the decomposition of peroxides or metal alkyls also initiate homogeneous catalytic processes.