cervical spondylosis
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- spondylosis
cervical spondylosis, degenerative disease of the neck vertebrae, causing compression of the spinal cord and cervical nerves.
Prolonged degeneration of the cervical spine results in a narrowing of the spaces between vertebrae, forcing intervertebral disks out of place and thus compressing or stretching the roots of the cervical nerves. The vertebrae may themselves be squeezed out of proper alignment. Arthritis developing in reaction to the stress generates new, anomalous bone growth (the “spondylitic bar”) that impinges on the spinal cord, further interfering with nervous function.
The typical symptoms of cervical spondylosis consist of a radiating pain and stiffness of the neck or arms, restricted head movement, headaches, spastic paralysis, and weakness in the arms and legs. Because of the combination of neurological symptoms and bone degeneration and the common incidence of arthritis in the elderly, cervical spondylosis may be difficult to distinguish from primary neurological disease with unrelated arthritis.

Treatment of uncomplicated cases consists of rest and traction and may include use of a cervical collar to limit movement. If these measures are not successful and neurological symptoms continue to progress, surgical decompression of the spine by removal of herniated disks or fusion of vertebrae may be necessary.