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- skin disease
chancre, typical skin lesion of the primary stage of infectious syphilis, usually appearing on the penis, labia, cervix, or anorectal region. (Because in women the chancre often occurs internally, it may go unnoticed.) The lesion often occurs in combination with a painless swelling of the regional lymph nodes, and together these symptoms are the major characteristics of syphilis in its earliest stage.
The chancre usually occurs approximately three weeks after infection; it is a single, red papule that gradually begins to erode, forming a painless, clean ulcer with a smooth, raised border. The fluid expressed from the lesion contains the spirochete Treponema pallidum, the causative agent of syphilis. The size of the eroded area ranges from a few millimetres to several centimetres; usually chancres that occur at extragenital sites (most often on the lips and tongue) are larger than genital chancres. Although the chancre itself can heal without treatment in two to six weeks, the underlying syphilis will progress to the secondary phase unless treatment with penicillin is undertaken.
Lesions that look like the chancres typical of syphilis may occur in people infected with one form of tuberculosis; these lesions appear two to three weeks after the tubercle bacillus penetrates the skin and heal spontaneously over a 12-month period. True chancres, however, have a syphilitic origin, and examination of the causative organism (in material taken from the base of the ulcer) can reveal the nature of the lesion.