- Also called:
- collarbone
- Related Topics:
- bone
- cleidocranial dysostosis
- wishbone
clavicle, curved anterior bone of the shoulder (pectoral) girdle in vertebrates; it functions as a strut to support the shoulder.
The clavicle is present in mammals with prehensile forelimbs and in bats, and it is absent in sea mammals and those adapted for running. The wishbone, or furcula, of birds is composed of the two fused clavicles; a crescent-shaped clavicle is present under the pectoral fin of some fish. In humans the two clavicles, on either side of the anterior base of the neck, are horizontal, S-curved rods that articulate laterally with the outer end of the shoulder blade (the acromion) to help form the shoulder joint; they articulate medially with the breastbone (sternum). Strong ligaments hold the clavicle in place at either end; the shaft gives attachment to muscles of the shoulder girdle and neck.
The clavicle may be congenitally reduced or absent; its robustness varies with degree of muscle development. The clavicle is a common site of fracture, particularly at the midsection of the bone; horizontal impact to the shoulder, such as from a fall or trauma, is a common cause.