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cloud whitening
Also known as: cloud brightening, marine cloud brightening
- Also called:
- cloud brightening or marine cloud brightening
- Related Topics:
- weather modification
- geoengineering
- cloud
- solar radiation
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See all videos for this articlecloud whitening, untested geoengineering technique designed to increase the reflectance of Earth’s cloud cover to reduce the amount of incoming solar radiation striking Earth’s surface. This technique would rely upon towering spraying devices placed on land and mounted on oceangoing vessels. These devices would expel a mist of pressurized seawater droplets and dissolved salts to altitudes up to 300 metres (1,000 feet). As the water droplets evaporate, bright salt crystals would remain to reflect incoming solar radiation. It is thought that these crystals would also serve as condensation nuclei and form new water droplets, which in turn would increase overall marine cloud coverage, reflecting even more incoming solar radiation into space.