decompression sickness
- Also called:
- bends or caisson disease
- Key People:
- Paul Bert
decompression sickness, physiological effects of the formation of gas bubbles in the body because of rapid transition from a high-pressure environment to one of lower pressure. Pilots of unpressurized aircraft, underwater divers, and caisson workers are highly susceptible to the sickness because their activities subject them to pressures different from the normal atmospheric pressure experienced on land.
Physiological basis
At atmospheric pressure the body tissues contain, in solution, small amounts of the gases that are present in the air. When a pilot ascends to a higher altitude, the external pressures upon his body decrease, and these dissolved gases come out of solution. If the ascent is slow enough, the gases have time to diffuse from the tissues into the bloodstream; the gases then pass to the respiratory tract and are exhaled from the body.
Underwater divers breathing compressed air are also faced with the possibility of a form of decompression sickness known as the bends. As they descend into the water, the external pressure increases proportionally to the depth. The compressed air that is breathed is equal in pressure to that of the surrounding water. The longer a diver stays down and the deeper the dive, the more compressed gas that is absorbed by the body. When the diver ascends, time must be allowed for the additional gases to be expelled slowly or they will form bubbles in the tissues.

The major component of air that causes decompression maladies is nitrogen. The oxygen breathed is used up by the cells of the body and the waste product carbon dioxide is continuously exhaled. Nitrogen, on the other hand, merely accumulates in the body until the tissue becomes saturated at the ambient pressure. When the pressure decreases, the excess nitrogen is released.
Physiological effects and symptoms
Nitrogen is much more soluble in fatty tissue than in other types; therefore, tissues with a high fat content (lipids) tend to absorb more nitrogen than do other tissues. The nervous system is composed of about 60 percent lipids. Bubbles forming in the brain, spinal cord, or peripheral nerves can cause paralysis and convulsions (divers’ palsy), difficulties with muscle coordination and sensory abnormalities (divers’ staggers), numbness, nausea, speech defects, and personality changes. When bubbles accumulate in the joints, pain is usually severe and mobility is restricted. The term bends is derived from this affliction, as the affected person commonly is unable to straighten joints.
Small nitrogen bubbles trapped under the skin may cause a red rash and an itching sensation known as divers’ itches. Usually these symptoms pass in 10 to 20 minutes. Excessive coughing and difficulty in breathing, known as the chokes, indicate nitrogen bubbles in the respiratory system. Other symptoms include chest pain, a burning sensation while breathing, and severe shock.
Relief from decompression sickness usually can be achieved only by recompression in a hyperbaric chamber followed by gradual decompression, but this process is not always able to reverse damage to tissues.