- Also called:
- bioecology, bionomics, or environmental biology
Because ecologists work with living systems possessing numerous variables, the scientific techniques used by physicists, chemists, mathematicians, and engineers require modification for use in ecology. Moreover, the techniques are not as easily applied in ecology, nor are the results as precise as those obtained in other sciences. It is relatively simple, for example, for a physicist to measure gain and loss of heat from metals or other inanimate objects, which possess certain constants of conductivity, expansion, surface features, and the like. To determine the heat exchange between an animal and its environment, however, a physiological ecologist is confronted with an array of almost unquantifiable variables and with the formidable task of gathering the numerous data and analyzing them. Ecological measurements may never be as precise or subject to the same ease of analysis as measurements in physics, chemistry, or certain quantifiable areas of biology.
In spite of these problems, various aspects of the environment can be determined by physical and chemical means, ranging from simple chemical identifications and physical measurements to the use of sophisticated mechanical apparatus. The development of biostatistics (statistics applied to the analysis of biological data), the elaboration of proper experimental design, and improved sampling methods now permit a quantified statistical approach to the study of ecology. Because of the extreme difficulties of controlling environmental variables in the field, studies involving the use of experimental design are largely confined to the laboratory and to controlled field experiments designed to test the effects of only one variable or several variables. The use of statistical procedures and computer models based on data obtained from the field provide insights into population interactions and ecosystem functions. Mathematical programming models are becoming increasingly important in applied ecology, especially in the management of natural resources and agricultural problems having an ecological basis.
Controlled environmental chambers enable experimenters to maintain plants and animals under known conditions of light, temperature, humidity, and day length so that the effects of each variable (or combination of variables) on the organism can be studied. Biotelemetry and other electronic tracking equipment, which allow the movements and behaviour of free-ranging organisms to be followed remotely, can provide rapid sampling of populations. Radioisotopes are used for tracing the pathways of nutrients through ecosystems, for determining the time and extent of transfer of energy and nutrients through the different components of the ecosystem, and for the determination of food chains. The use of laboratory microcosms—aquatic and soil micro-ecosystems, consisting of biotic and nonbiotic material from natural ecosystems, held under conditions similar to those found in the field—are useful in determining rates of nutrient cycling, ecosystem development, and other functional aspects of ecosystems. Microcosms enable the ecologist to duplicate experiments and to perform experimental manipulation on them.
Robert Leo Smith Stuart L. Pimm