electron spin
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- Aufbau principle
- In chemical bonding: Lithium through neon
… (Z = 3), one more electron is added. However, that electron cannot occupy the 1s orbital, for it has a property known as spin, which is fundamental to its behaviour. Spin is an intrinsic property of an electron, like its mass or charge. In elementary treatments, spin is often visualized…
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- carbenes
- In carbene: Electronic configuration and molecular structure.
…to accept the two nonbonding electrons. In general, each orbital can accommodate two electrons if their spins are paired—that is, if the angular momenta are of opposite sign. There are thus two possible distributions of the nonbonding electrons: they may be in the same orbital and have paired (opposite) spins,…
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- covalent bonding
- In crystal: Covalent bonds
…bond is formed by two electrons—one from each atom—located in orbitals between the ions. Insulators, in contrast, have all their electrons within shells inside the atoms.
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- electromagnetism
- In magnetism: Magnetic field of steady currents
…dipole moment associated with their spin. Earth’s magnetic field is thought to be the result of currents related to the planet’s rotation. The magnetic field far from a small bar magnet is well represented by the field of a magnetic dipole. In most of these cases, moving charge produces a…
Read More - In crystal: Explanation of magnetism
Each electron orbital can be occupied by two electrons—one with spin up and one with spin down. The d-shell has five orbital states and 10 electrons when filled; the f-shell has seven orbital states and 14 electrons when filled. Electrons are added one at a time…
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- ferrimagnetism
- In magnetic ceramics: Ferrites: composition, structure, and properties
…of lattice site, and unpaired electron “spins” (the motions of electrons that cause a magnetic field) line up in one direction within a given domain. In ferrimagnetism, on the other hand, there is more than one kind of lattice site, and electron spins align so as to oppose one another—some…
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- fine structure
- In fine structure
…the orbital motion of an electron with the quantum mechanical “spin” of that electron. An electron can be thought of as an electrically charged spinning top, and hence it behaves as a tiny bar magnet. The spinning electron interacts with the magnetic field produced by the electron’s rotation about the…
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- In fine structure
- magnetic resonance
- In magnetic resonance: Electron-spin resonance
…the characteristics of a free electronic spin. In the study of these centres, hyperfine and superhyperfine structure provide a mapping of the electronic magnetization and make it possible to test the correctness of the model chosen to describe the defect.
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- molecular spectroscopy
- In spectroscopy: Fluorescence and phosphorescence
Electrons possess intrinsic magnetic moments that are related to their spin angular momenta. The spin quantum number is s = 1/2, so in the presence of a magnetic field an electron can have one of two orientations corresponding to magnetic
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- quantum mechanics
- In quantum mechanics: Electron spin and antiparticles
In 1928 the English physicist Paul A.M. Dirac produced a wave equation for the electron that combined relativity with quantum mechanics. Schrödinger’s wave equation does not satisfy the requirements of the special theory of relativity because it is based on a…
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work of
- Goudsmit
- In Samuel Abraham Goudsmit
…formulated (1925) the concept of electron spin, leading to major changes in atomic theory and quantum mechanics. Of this work Isidor I. Rabi, a Nobelist in physics, remarked, “Physics must be forever in debt to those two men for discovering the spin.” Later it was recognized that spin is a…
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- In Samuel Abraham Goudsmit
- Uhlenbeck
- In George Eugene Uhlenbeck
Goudsmit, proposed the concept of electron spin.
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- In George Eugene Uhlenbeck