electrophilic substitution
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carboxylic acids
- In carboxylic acid: Aromatic acids
…other aromatic compounds, also undergo electrophilic substitution reactions. The COOH group is deactivating, meaning electrophilic substitutions take place less readily than with benzene itself (Friedel-Crafts reactions do not occur), and meta-directing, meaning that the incoming entity will enter at a position meta to the COOH group, rather than at an…
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substitution reaction
- In substitution reaction
This reaction is known as electrophilic substitution. Examples of electrophilic species are the hydronium ion (H3O+), the hydrogen halides (HCl, HBr, HI), the nitronium ion (NO2+), and sulfur trioxide (SO3). Substrates of nucleophiles are commonly alkyl halides, while aromatic compounds are among the most important substrates of electrophiles. The third…
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