Also known as: physostigmine
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synthesis by Julian
- In Percy Julian
…attention for synthesizing the drug physostigmine, used to treat glaucoma. He refined a soya protein that became the basis of Aero-Foam, a foam fire extinguisher used by the U.S. Navy in World War II. He led research that resulted in quantity production of the hormones progesterone (female) and testosterone (male)…
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type of anticholinesterase
- In anticholinesterase
Physostigmine and neostigmine are among the principal anticholinesterases. These drugs have only a few clinical uses, mainly in augmenting gastric and intestinal contractions (in treatment of obstructions of the digestive tract) and in augmenting muscular contractions in general (in the treatment of myasthenia gravis). Anticholinesterase…
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