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form, in crystallography, all crystal faces having similar symmetry. Those forms that enclose space are called closed forms; those that do not, open forms. The faces that comprise a form will be similar in appearance, even though of different shapes and sizes; this similarity may be evident from natural striations, etchings, or growths, or it may be apparent only after etching with acid.
The forms in all crystal systems except the isometric are similar and may be generally described as follows:
- Pedion: a single face;
- Pinacoid: pair of opposite faces parallel to two of the principal crystallographic axes;
- Dome: two nonparallel faces symmetrical to a plane of symmetry;
- Sphenoid: two nonparallel faces symmetrical to a 2- or 4-fold axis of symmetry;
- Disphenoid: four-faced closed form in which the two faces of a sphenoid alternate above two faces of another sphenoid;
- Prism: 3, 4, 6, 8, or 12 faces the intersection lines of which are parallel and (except for some monoclinic prisms) are parallel to a principal crystallographic axis;
- Pyramid: 3, 4, 6, 8, or 12 nonparallel faces that meet in a point;
- Scalenohedron: 8-faced (tetragonal) or 12-faced (hexagonal) closed form in which the faces are grouped in symmetrical pairs; in perfect crystals, each face is a scalene triangle;
- Trapezohedron: 6-, 8-, 12-, or 24-faced closed form in which half the faces are offset above the other half; in well-developed crystals, each face is a trapezium;
- Dipyramid: 6-, 8-, 12-, 16-, or 24-faced closed form in which the lower pyramid is a reflection of the upper;
- Rhombohedron: closed form of six identical faces in which none of the intersection edges is perpendicular.