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- organ
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gonad, in zoology, primary reproductive gland that produces reproductive cells (gametes). In males the gonads are called testes; the gonads in females are called ovaries. (see ovary; testis).
The gonads in some lower invertebrate groups (e.g., hydrozoans) are temporary organs; in higher forms they are permanent. In some invertebrates, such as oligochaete worms and leeches, both male and female gonads exist in a single organism. Sponges do not have discrete gonads; instead, reproductive cells are formed by aggregations of amoebocytes in the body wall. In echinoderms (e.g., starfish), the gonads are usually suspended from the radiating arms directly into the sea.
The usually paired gonads of vertebrates produce both gametes and hormones necessary for reproduction. Some, such as both male and female adult cyclostomes, have only one gonad. Most female birds, a few female teleost and elasmobranch fishes, some male lizards and female crocodiles, and the female platypus and a few female bats also have only one gonad.