guinea worm disease
- Also called:
- dracunculiasis or dracontiasis
- Related Topics:
- skin disease
- parasitic disease
- guinea worm
- Cyclops
guinea worm disease, infection in humans caused by a parasite known as the guinea worm (Dracunculus medinensis). The disease’s alternate name, dracunculiasis, is Latin for “affliction with little dragons,” which adequately describes the burning pain associated with the infection. Historically a fairly common disease, affecting millions of people each year in the Middle East, India, and Africa, it is now relatively rare, isolated to just a handful of countries in Africa. Death from guinea worm disease is infrequent; however, because it is debilitating, affected persons often have limited mobility and are unable to perform work.
Course of the disease
Humans become infected with guinea worm by drinking water contaminated with water fleas (Cyclops), which are crustaceans that harbour the worm larvae. Gastric juices in the human host’s intestinal tract kill the water fleas, thereby freeing the larvae to migrate and bore from the intestinal tract into the tissues of the abdomen, where they grow and where male and female worms mate. Whereas males die after mating, the fertilized females travel to other tissues (possibly by migrating along bones or by tunneling through tissues), usually moving to the legs.

About one year after initial infection, the adult worm, which can reach 1 metre (3.3 feet) in length, bores through subcutaneous tissues, headed toward the skin surface, and emerges from a blister. Guinea worm victims often enter ponds, streams, or other water sources to relieve the burning pain caused by the emerging worm. Once in the water, the worm sheds thousands of immature (or first-stage) larvae, which are then eaten by water fleas. Within two weeks of their ingestion, the larvae undergo two molts to become mature (or third-stage) larvae. Although still inside the fleas at this stage, they are infectious to humans upon ingestion of the fleas via contaminated water.
Symptoms of infection begin to appear just prior to the worm’s emergence and include fever and pain and swelling in the area of the body housing the worm. The formation of a blister is a signal that the worm will soon emerge, and when it does so, it produces extreme pain.
Treatment and prevention
There is no specific drug treatment for guinea worm disease. Rather, the infection typically is managed through the careful removal of the worm in its entirety. Soaking the site of the blister in a container of water encourages the worm to emerge. Once it has broken through the skin, gentle traction is applied to the worm, speeding its emergence, which may take several days or weeks. The worm usually is wrapped around a piece of gauze or a stick to maintain tension and prevent the worm from retracting into the body. Topical antibiotics often are applied to the site of the wound to prevent infection with another organism during the extraction period. Aspirin or ibuprofen may be administered to relieve pain and reduce inflammation.
Prevention is the first line of defense against guinea worm disease. Prevention is effected through a combination of surveillance, including control of water fleas and early detection of cases, and health education. In addition, the availability of clean drinking water is key to long-term prevention in affected communities. Other approaches to prevention include the filtration of water to remove infected water fleas from suspect water sources and the treatment of contaminated water supplies with pesticides to kill the fleas.
Guinea worm disease through history
Some of the earliest known evidence of guinea worm disease comes from the Ebers Papyrus, an ancient Egyptian compilation of medical texts dated to about 1550 bce. The texts described the process of extracting the worm from the body by winding it around a stick. It is thought that in the Bible (Numbers 21:6) the fiery serpents that descended upon the Israelites in the 12th or 13th century bce at the shores of the Red Sea were in fact guinea worms. (The parasite was later found to occur throughout the region of the Red Sea, and the disease was once endemic there.) Texts found in the ancient Assyrian city of Nineveh, in the library of King Ashurbanipal, who flourished in the 7th century bce, included descriptions of infections of the feet and legs, and guinea worm disease is believed to be among the infections described. The existence of guinea worm disease in the ancient world was confirmed in the 1970s with the discovery of a calcified male guinea worm in a mummy dated to approximately 1000 bce.
Guinea worm disease was also documented in ancient Greece, most notably by the writer Plutarch and by the physician Galen of Pergamum. In fact, Galen, who admitted to never having encountered a patient with the disease, is credited with giving it the name dracontiasis. There is some speculation that he may have mistaken the worm for a protruding nerve (a similar mistake was rumoured to have been made in the 16th century by French physician Ambroise Paré). The ancient Greeks are also believed to have uncovered the association between the infection and water and to have discovered the importance of keeping the worm intact during the extraction process. Some scholars contend that the serpent coiled around the healing staff of Asclepius, the Greco-Roman god of medicine, is a guinea worm, rather than a snake. The portrayal of the worm as being wound around the staff would have been associated with healing.
Physicians of the medieval world provided additional details about guinea worm disease. Al-Rāzī, a physician of the Islamic world, believed that the swellings on afflicted individuals were the result of a parasite, and in the 11th century Avicenna, another of the Islamic world’s great physicians, provided the first clinical account of the disease and its treatment. In the centuries that followed, European physicians and explorers provided further documentation of the disease, confirming its presence in Egypt, India, Africa, and the Persian Gulf proper. The infection was given its common name, guinea worm disease, because European travelers who visited the coast of Guinea in Western Africa often either encountered people with the disease or were themselves afflicted.
In 1674 Italian physician Georgius Hieronymus Velschius published Exercitatio de Vena Medinensis, an illustrated work that included a depiction of the process of worm extraction from a patient’s leg. The following century, Swedish naturalist Carolus Linnaeus assigned the Latin name Dracunculus medinensis to the guinea worm, and a short while later, suspicions that the parasite was transmitted to humans through contaminated drinking water intensified. About 1870 Russian scientist Aleksey P. Fedchenko confirmed these suspicions with his description of the guinea worm life cycle and the involvement of water fleas as intermediate hosts. This discovery led to the later eradication of guinea worm disease from the southern regions of the former Soviet Union. The disease was also eventually eradicated from the Americas and from many parts of the Middle East and North Africa.
By the 1980s, guinea worm disease was prevalent primarily in sub-Saharan Africa, Pakistan, and India, with several million new cases occurring each year collectively in those places in the middle part of that decade. In 1986 former U.S. president Jimmy Carter initiated a campaign for the complete eradication of the disease from the world. Following a visit in 1988 to Ghana, where tens of thousands of people were affected, Carter expanded his eradication campaign. Multiple organizations were involved in eradication efforts, including the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), and the Atlanta-based Carter Center. WHO’s initial goal of eradication by 1995 proved too ambitious, and even the Carter Center’s aim to rid the world of the affliction by the year 2000 was not achieved. However, thanks to these organizations’ efforts, by 2010 the disease was endemic in just four African countries and was limited to 1,797 cases.
Kara Rogers