health care
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- major reference
- application of intersectionality theory
- In intersectionality: Practical applications
In the field of health care, medical providers can be assisted by an intersectional approach that acknowledges how race, class, gender, and other categories combine and interact to influence the health of individuals and communities. An intersectional perspective may thus result in more efficient and customized health care services,…
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- automation
- In automation: Service industries
…the services themselves, which include health care, banking and other financial services, government, and retail trade.
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- Christian churches
- In Christianity: Care for the sick
In the Gospel According to Matthew, Jesus says to his Apostles, when the Son of Man comes in majesty to render final judgment on all of humankind, he will say to the chosen ones at his right hand, “I was sick…
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- e-health
- electronic health records
- In electronic health record
…to the needs of the health care provider or other entity using the system and the provider’s chosen EHR technology platform. In general, EHRs operate over a high-speed Internet connection and therefore require computer hardware and specialized software. When properly deployed, EHRs allow health care providers to avoid duplicative testing,…
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- Israel
- In Israel: Health and welfare
…of its GNP spent on health care and its rates of life expectancy and infant mortality. There are many private, voluntary organizations dealing with first aid, children’s health, and care for the aged and handicapped.
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- Malawi
- In Malawi: Health and welfare
Health care in Malawi is constrained by shortages of both supplies and personnel. To deal with the shortage of drugs (most of which are imported) and to ensure that those without access to health facilities are provided for, community-managed Drug Revolving Funds—where, following an initial…
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- Maryland
- In Maryland: Health and welfare
Health care is a major economic activity in Maryland. Baltimore has become a renowned health care and medical research centre, with notable facilities at the Johns Hopkins University and University of Maryland hospitals. Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda is one of the…
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- Newfoundland and Labrador
- In Newfoundland and Labrador: Health and welfare
…provincial government administers virtually all health services; with the exception of dentistry and ophthalmology, these are free to all residents. Nearly all members of the medical profession participate in the province’s Medical Care Plan. An increasing number of privately owned agencies help in the provision of care to the aged,…
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- Oman
- In Oman: Health and welfare
The post-1970 government improved health care throughout the country and instituted a free national health service. The new regime built hospitals, health centres, and dispensaries and equipped mobile medical teams to serve remote areas. Government spending has increased for health services, social security, and welfare.
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- Ontario
- In Ontario: Health and welfare
The province finances basic health care and social services for all inhabitants through a combination of grants from the federal government and its own tax revenues. The Ontario Health Insurance Plan is a universal and comprehensive program that covers almost all medically necessary diagnostic services provided by physicians and…
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- phytotherapy
- In phytotherapy: Phytotherapy and national health care systems
The practice of phytotherapy differs widely throughout the world. In some countries, such as South Korea and Japan, proven phytotherapy products are integrated into health insurance coverage. Other countries, including China, India, and Nepal, offer wide health
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- overview of careers available in the health care industry