herpes simplex
- Related Topics:
- sexually transmitted disease
- viral disease
herpes simplex, infection of either the skin or the genitalia caused by either of two strains of herpes simplex virus. Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) is transmitted orally and is responsible for cold sores and fever blisters, typically occurring around the mouth, whereas herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) is transmitted sexually and is the main cause of the condition known as genital herpes.
HSV-1 and HSV-2 affect millions of people worldwide. In 2016 some 66.6 percent of individuals age 0 to 49 were living with HSV-1 infection, while about 13.2 percent of people age 15 to 49 had HSV-2 infection.
HSV-1 is generally associated with infections in and around the mouth and with other infections above the waist. Typically, infection is characterized by a cluster of small blisters or watery vesicles on the skin or on mucous membranes. Clusters most frequently occur on the lips and face and occasionally on the trunk and hands. HSV-1 may also infect the eye, causing corneal ulcers and visual impairment. The occurrence of a lesion is often heralded by tingling and burning in the skin area, which becomes red and covered with vesicles. These vesicles break and form a crust, and the skin appears normal within 6 to 10 days after the onset of the lesion, unless there has been secondary infection.

The term primary herpes simplex refers to the first appearance of the disease in an individual, usually a child, sometimes a young adult. The primary lesions are most frequently seen in the mouth, and inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the oral cavity may be severe; there is also fever and involvement of the lymph nodes. Healing normally takes place within 14 days. Following primary infection, the virus migrates to neurons and enters a latent phase. During this phase, HSV-1 produces a noncoding strand of RNA (ribonucleic acid) that is cleaved into very short segments called microRNAs. These microRNAs inhibit the cellular production of proteins that have the ability to reactivate the virus. Viral reactivation, which causes lesions to reappear, may be precipitated by any one of a number of factors, such as sunburn, upper-respiratory and gastrointestinal tract infections, fevers, emotional stress, or anxiety.
Antiviral treatment very early in the course of the disease may decrease the length of recurrences. However, there is no satisfactory treatment for HSV-1 infection; as long as the virus remains in some cells in a latent form, antiviral drugs cannot rid the body of infection. The development of agents capable of preventing HSV-1 production of microRNAs is an area of great scientific interest. Such agents would cause the virus to become active, rendering it susceptible to existing antiviral agents that could then cure infection.
The sexually transmitted disease genital herpes is associated primarily with HSV-2. The virus is highly contagious and may be transmitted by individuals who are lifelong carriers but who remain asymptomatic (and may not even know they are infected). Infections are most often acquired through direct genital contact. Sexual practices involving oral-genital contact may be responsible for some crossover infections of HSV-1 to the genital area or of HSV-2 to the mouth and lips, while other crossover infections may be the result of self-infection through hand-genital-mouth contact.
The incubation period for HSV-2 infection is usually four to five days but may be as short as 24 hours or as long as two weeks. The first symptoms may be pain or itching at the site of infection. This is followed within a day or two by the appearance of blisterlike lesions that may occur singly or in groups. In males the common sites of infection include the foreskin, the glans, and the shaft of the penis. In females the blister may occur on the labia, the clitoris, the opening of the vagina, or, occasionally, the uterine cervix. Within a few days the blisters rupture and merge to form large areas of denuded tissue surrounded by swollen, inflamed skin. At this stage the lesions may become acutely painful with intense burning and irritation. In females especially, urination may cause great discomfort. Generalized symptoms such as fever and malaise may develop, and lymph nodes in the groin may enlarge. Lesions may persist in this stage for a week or more, and complete healing may take four to six weeks. Genital herpes is generally more severe in females and may become so uncomfortable and disabling as to require hospitalization. Recurrences are not uncommon and may be associated with emotional stress, trauma, sexual intercourse, other infections, or menstruation. Symptoms may not be as severe in recurrent infections as in the initial one.
Infants born to mothers with active genital herpes may acquire serious infections, including infection of the central nervous system. HSV-2 can cause death in 60 percent of infants so affected and severe intellectual disability in 20 percent of surviving infants. The virus may be transmitted to the infant as it passes through the infected birth canal. If active genital herpes is diagnosed in a pregnant woman near term, cesarean section is usually recommended. HSV-2 infections have also been associated by circumstantial evidence with the later development of cervical cancer. The Pap smear and Giemsa smear are two techniques commonly used to diagnose genital herpes. There is a blood test to measure the level of antibodies to the virus, but its results are not always conclusive.
A variety of treatments have been used for genital herpes, but none is entirely satisfactory. Drying agents such as alcohol, spirits of camphor, and ether have been used. Other methods of treatment include the use of ointments and creams, topical anesthetics, and antiseptic solutions. Antiviral agents such as acyclovir may be effective in diminishing the duration of symptoms and the period of time during which the virus may be recovered from the lesions. It is effective only before the latency state is established, however. During latency, when the virus lives in tissues without causing symptoms, it is protected against destruction. In people with frequent, severe recurrences, daily low-dose antiviral therapy can decrease the number of outbreaks.
The risk of HSV infection can be reduced by avoiding sexual contact or by limiting the number of sexual partners and using condoms during intercourse. In addition, the spread of HSV from one part of the body to another can be prevented by refraining from touching open sores. In men the risk of HSV-2 infection can be reduced through circumcision.