The founding of modern biology
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The study of living matter lagged far behind physics and chemistry, largely because organisms are so much more complex than inanimate bodies or forces. Harvey had shown that living matter could be studied experimentally, but his achievement stood alone for two centuries. For the time being, most students of living nature had to be content to classify living forms as best they could and to attempt to isolate and study aspects of living systems.
As has been seen, an avalanche of new specimens in both botany and zoology put severe pressure on taxonomy. A giant step forward was taken in the 18th century by the Swedish naturalist Carl von Linné—known by his Latinized name, Linnaeus—who introduced a rational, if somewhat artificial, system of binomial nomenclature. The very artificiality of Linnaeus’s system, focusing as it did on only a few key structures, encouraged criticism and attempts at more natural systems. The attention thus called to the organism as a whole reinforced a growing intuition that species are linked in some kind of genetic relationship, an idea first made scientifically explicit by Jean-Baptiste, chevalier de Lamarck.
Problems encountered in cataloging the vast collection of invertebrates at the Museum of Natural History in Paris led Lamarck to suggest that species change through time. This idea was not so revolutionary as it is usually painted, for, although it did upset some Christians who read the book of Genesis literally, naturalists who noted the shading of natural forms one into another had been toying with the notion for some time. Lamarck’s system failed to gain general assent largely because it relied upon an antiquated chemistry for its causal agents and appeared to imply a conscious drive to perfection on the part of organisms. It was also opposed by one of the most powerful paleontologists and comparative anatomists of the day, Georges Cuvier, who happened to take Genesis quite literally. In spite of Cuvier’s opposition, however, the idea remained alive and was finally elevated to scientific status by the labours of Charles Darwin. Darwin not only amassed a wealth of data supporting the notion of transformation of species, but he also was able to suggest a mechanism by which such evolution could occur without recourse to other than purely natural causes. The mechanism was natural selection, according to which minute variations in offspring were either favoured or eliminated in the competition for survival, and it permitted the idea of evolution to be perceived with great clarity. Nature shuffled and sorted its own productions, through processes governed purely by chance, so that those organisms that survived were better adapted to a constantly changing environment.
Darwin’s On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life, published in 1859, brought order to the world of organisms. A similar unification at the microscopic level had been brought about by the cell theory announced by Theodor Schwann and Matthias Schleiden in 1838, whereby cells were held to be the basic units of all living tissues. Improvements in the microscope during the 19th century made it possible gradually to lay bare the basic structures of cells, and rapid progress in biochemistry permitted the intimate probing of cellular physiology. By the end of the century the general feeling was that physics and chemistry sufficed to describe all vital functions and that living matter, subject to the same laws as inanimate matter, would soon yield up its secrets. This reductionist view was triumphantly illustrated in the work of Jacques Loeb, who showed that so-called instincts in lower animals are nothing more than physicochemical reactions, which he labelled tropisms.
The most dramatic revolution in 19th-century biology was the one created by the germ theory of disease, championed by Louis Pasteur in France and Robert Koch in Germany. Through their investigations, bacteria were shown to be the specific causes of many diseases. By means of immunological methods first devised by Pasteur, some of humankind’s chief maladies were brought under control.
The 20th-century revolution
By the end of the 19th century, the dream of the mastery of nature for the benefit of humankind, first expressed in all its richness by Sir Francis Bacon, seemed on the verge of realization. Science was moving ahead on all fronts, reducing ignorance and producing new tools for the amelioration of the human condition. A comprehensible, rational view of the world was gradually emerging from laboratories and universities. One savant went so far as to express pity for those who would follow him and his colleagues, for they, he thought, would have nothing more to do than to measure things to the next decimal place.
But this sunny confidence did not last long. One annoying problem was that the radiation emitted by atoms proved increasingly difficult to reduce to known mechanical principles. More importantly, physics found itself relying more and more upon the hypothetical properties of a substance, the ether, that stubbornly eluded detection. Within a span of 10 short years, roughly 1895–1905, these and related problems came to a head and wrecked the mechanistic system the 19th century had so laboriously built. The discovery of X rays and radioactivity revealed an unexpected new complexity in the structure of atoms. Max Planck’s solution to the problem of thermal radiation introduced a discontinuity into the concept of energy that was inexplicable in terms of classical thermodynamics. Most disturbing of all, the enunciation of the special theory of relativity by Albert Einstein in 1905 not only destroyed the ether and all the physics that depended on it but also redefined physics as the study of relations between observers and events, rather than of the events themselves. What was observed, and therefore what happened, was now said to be a function of the observer’s location and motion relative to other events. Absolute space was a fiction. The very foundations of physics threatened to crumble.
This modern revolution in physics has not yet been fully assimilated by historians of science. Suffice it to say that scientists managed to come to terms with all of the upsetting results of early 20th-century physics but in ways that made the new physics utterly different from the old. Mechanical models were no longer acceptable, because there were processes (like light) for which no consistent model could be constructed. No longer could physicists speak with confidence of physical reality, but only of the probability of making certain measurements.
All this being said, there is still no doubt that science in the 20th century worked wonders. The new physics—relativity, quantum mechanics, particle physics—may have outraged common sense, but it enabled physicists to probe to the very limits of physical reality. Their instruments and mathematics permitted modern scientists to manipulate subatomic particles with relative ease, to reconstruct the first moment of creation, and to dimly glimpse the grand structure and ultimate fate of the universe.
The 21st century
In the 21st century the revolution in physics spilled over into chemistry and biology and led to hitherto undreamed-of capabilities for the manipulation of atoms and molecules and of cells and their genetic structures. Chemists perform molecular tailoring today as a matter of course, cutting and shaping molecules at will. Genetic engineering and the subsequent development of gene editing, a highly accurate and efficient means of altering DNA, made possible active human intervention in the evolutionary process and held out the possibility of tailoring living organisms, including the human organism, to specific tasks. This second scientific revolution may prove to be, for good or ill, one of the most important events in the history of humankind.
L. Pearce Williams