Superior vena cava and its tributaries
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- Medscape - Cardiovascular System Anatomy (Feb. 07, 2025)
Tributaries from the head and neck, the arms, and part of the chest unite to form the superior vena cava. Venous channels called venous sinuses lie between the two layers of the dura mater, the outer covering of the brain; they possess no valves. Venous drainage of the brain is effected by these sinuses and communicating vessels. The internal jugular vein is a continuation of this system downward through the neck; it receives blood from parts of the face, neck, and brain. At approximately the level of the collarbone, each unites with the subclavian vein of that side to form the innominate veins.
The external jugular vein is formed by the union of its tributaries near the angle of the lower jaw, or mandible. It drains some of the structures of the head and neck and pours its contents along with the subclavian into the innominate vein of the same side. All of the veins of the arm are tributaries of the subclavian vein of that side. They are found in both superficial and deep locations and possess valves. Most of the deep veins are arranged in pairs with cross connections between them.
Venous drainage of the hand is accomplished superficially by small anastomosing (interconnecting) veins that unite to form the cephalic vein, coursing up the radial (thumb) side of the forearm, and the basilic vein, running up the ulnar side of the forearm and receiving blood from the hand, forearm, and arm. The deep veins of the forearm include the radial veins, continuations of deep anastomosing veins of the hand and wrist, and the ulnar veins, both veins following the course of the associated artery. The radial and ulnar veins converge at the elbow to form the brachial vein; this, in turn, unites with the basilic vein at the level of the shoulder to produce the axillary vein. At the outer border of the first rib, the axillary vein becomes the subclavian vein, the terminal point of the venous system characteristic of the upper extremity.
The subclavian, external jugular, and internal jugular veins all converge to form the innominate vein. The right and left innominate veins terminate in the superior vena cava, which opens into the upper posterior portion of the right atrium.
In addition to the innominate veins, the superior vena cava receives blood from the azygous vein and small veins from the mediastinum (the region between the two lungs) and the pericardium. Most of the blood from the back and from the walls of the chest and abdomen drains into veins lying alongside the vertebral bodies (the weight-bearing portions of the vertebrae). These veins form what is termed the azygous system, which serves as a connecting link between the superior and inferior vena cava. The terminal veins of this system are the azygous, hemiazygous, and accessory hemiazygous veins. At the level of the diaphragm, the right ascending lumbar vein continues upward as the azygous vein, principal tributaries of which are the right intercostal veins, which drain the muscles of the intercostal spaces. It also receives tributaries from the esophagus, lymph nodes, pericardium, and right lung, and it enters into the superior vena cava at about the level of the fourth thoracic vertebra.
The left side of the azygous system varies greatly among individuals. Usually the hemiazygous vein arises just below the diaphragm as a continuation of the left ascending lumbar vein and terminates in the azygous vein. Tributaries of the hemiazygous drain the intercostal muscles, the esophagus, and a portion of the mediastinum. The accessory hemiazygous usually extends downward as a continuation of the vein of the fourth intercostal space, receiving tributaries from the left intercostal spaces and the left bronchus. It empties into the azygous vein slightly above the entrance of the hemiazygous.