chloroplast membrane
Also known as: lamellae
Learn about this topic in these articles:
major reference
- In photosynthesis: Chloroplasts, the photosynthetic units of green plants
…of isolated chloroplast membranes, or lamellae, could perform the Hill reaction. These small pieces of lamellae were then fragmented into pieces so small that they performed only the light reactions of the photosynthetic process. It is now possible also to isolate the entire chloroplast so that it can carry out…
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structure in chloroplast
- In cell: Mechanical properties of wall layers
…contain two layers, the middle lamella and the primary cell wall, and many cells produce an additional layer, called the secondary wall. The middle lamella serves as a cementing layer between the primary walls of adjacent cells. The primary wall is the cellulose-containing layer laid down by cells that are…
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